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  1. shawnm2639

    what do polish crested roosters look like

    I have three polish crested chickens. Since I have never had any experience with this breed before I am confused I have one with kinda feather "beard" and two that don't they are smaller and have kinda waddles. which one or ones are the rooster or roosters here is a picture of both types. which...
  2. shawnm2639

    Polish crested "black top hats" missing feathers

    Great thanks for your help I will check them out
  3. shawnm2639

    Polish crested "black top hats" missing feathers

    Really do could this just be a growth thing? I thought that at first but I don't want to make any mistakes
  4. shawnm2639

    Polish crested "black top hats" missing feathers

    I haven't ever had this breed before so I am confused about what is happening to these guys. They seem to be missing feathers on their backs and a couple of them have really thing tails. I don't see any feathers on the ground or in their hutch so I don't think they are molting. They aren't very...
  5. shawnm2639

    Roos favorite hen starting to walk bow legged...should I "save" her

    Oh Lord, I didn't think she was in egg laying distress. I have caught her and put her in the coop with the other two founding feathers that have the back feathers needing a little time to grow back. I will watch her and see of course the other two gals have stopped laying but I figured that...
  6. shawnm2639

    Roos favorite hen starting to walk bow legged...should I "save" her

    Ok while I was writing the subject line I realized how many of our ol dirty jokes come from the live stock on the farm ...sorry gang. But really...he had 5 hens and lives in a commune. (all my chickens free range and live in the trees of my little jungle and yes I intend to round them all up...
  7. shawnm2639

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I think I just broke her legs!!!!!!

    I know this is late in coming but so glad everything is ok...caught in the drama...(as she wipes sweat from her brow)
  8. shawnm2639

    run made with green house hoops?????

    I found a post a while back that had a link to a site with already made green house hoops / half circles that you hooked together and covered to make a run. Does anyone remember that?? I have searched the forum and only come up with cattle panel construction threads. It is makeing me crazy...
  9. shawnm2639

    Who is using a surrogate hen instead of a brooder?

    Same thing happened to me...all my girls kept laying in the same box where a broody Old English Banty was sitting. I was not smart enough to limit the eggs by marking and taking out the fresh one. When her chicks hatch she will stay for a few days and then take them off the nest to let the...
  10. shawnm2639

    Who is using a surrogate hen instead of a brooder?

    Quote: I don't know if its normal but how cool is that?? And I am guessing mama is ok with or without the light as long as its not heat cuz she has nuf heat of her own....I agree having the hens take care of the chicks is soooo much easier.
  11. shawnm2639

    Who is using a surrogate hen instead of a brooder?

    Put a chick under a broody??? oohhh ooohhh this is my lucky day... Ok this is really bizarre...I had a hen go broody while the roo was locked up. I was hoping the eggs were fertile but it seems that only one egg hatched...she is cruising around the yard for 3 or 4 days with one little bar...
  12. shawnm2639

    Nesting boxes design question

    Ditto...mine dont nest unless its covered
  13. shawnm2639

    Males Added for Warmth - Yikes!!!!!

    I can't wait till I get to order chickens and get packing peanuts too I love surprises and can't get the speacility breeds around here...I already have too many from natural way this year and have to build a new tractor shortly to accomidate the young'uns. Oh well!! I did get 3 Amercaunas this...
  14. shawnm2639

    mixing broody hens and chicks *update - oh no!*

    OMG I have 3 Old English Game hens with 6 chicks between them....they share!!! who knew. The three of them were sitting on eggs that my BR and Delawares had laid and as they started to hatch I started stealing the chicks because I was afaid of the same things like loosing the hatch if they...
  15. shawnm2639

    Which roo would you keep?

    All of my BR roos have been mean ol fellers...I would try the BO if I had the chance
  16. shawnm2639

    "Racist" Chickens?

    OMG..I am so glad I ran across this thread. My flock consists of my "Black girls", "White girls" and "Wild girls". I used to name the friendly ones but they all seem to go missing after a while so I stopped. They definately feather flocked. And it was so hard since they all free ranged...
  17. shawnm2639

    BR pullet or cockerel??

    I have some the same age...11 of them in fact and I vote Roo. The only way I can tell mine is when they are next to each other. My hubby and I have a bet. I say we have 3 roos and 7 hens (wishful thinking) and he says 4 roos. I guess we will see in another week or so..
  18. shawnm2639

    antibiotics in the water

    I totally agree...if yours are anything like mine littlest guys you will be changing water several times a day. Good luck and have fun!!
  19. shawnm2639

    Broody but still laying? How do I make her stop?

    Thanks for asking my question.. Good info
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