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  • Users: arrowti
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  1. arrowti

    Injured duck

    Hello, I would like to ask for help to treat an "older" injured duck. She is a large cayuga/pekin cross, 9 years old, and I believe otherwise healthy (lays eggs in summer months, eats and drinks, etc). She belongs to my parents and I do not live there anymore but I am visiting and will try to...
  2. arrowti

    Comb question

    Hopefully this is okay here since the cockerel in question is a mixed breed... but it's about his comb. His father - also a mixed breed - had a single comb. The mother is either a Rhode Island Red or one of our peacombed easter eggers (leaning toward the EE personally). His brothers all had...
  3. arrowti

    Owl Trouble

    Let's preface by saying owls are very common where I live, but have never gone for our chickens prior to now despite having hunted in our yard for the past 6 years (as long as we've had chickens). I love owls and their calls. But this winter has been cold and icy and a lot of the prey has been...
  4. arrowti

    Raccoons here

    I don't live at home anymore. My dad said he got home late (unexpectedly) last night. It was after dark. He saw a raccoon exit the chicken coop and disappear. All birds accounted for and uninjured. Today I'm home for holidays and just decided to shine a flashlight out like I used to. Saw some...
  5. arrowti

    Reproductive issue in 'older' hen

    This is relative age, because in reality she isn't really that old, but compared to the other chickens we got from the same place she's outlasted many, at 3.5 years. Can't tell if she's laid an egg in awhile. No lights in the coop so they slow down/stop in the winter as it is. I've been...
  6. arrowti

    (Non-Emergency) - rooster struggling through molt

    Hello all. I figure it's time to ask. I'm not considering this an emergency because he's eating and drinking and scratching and crowing and doing rooster things. but... This rooster is 4 years old (plus some months). He started molting very hard back at the end of July. Feathers were...
  7. arrowti

    Bedtime is a nightmare

    To start, I have 21 birds and it takes them a grand total (from first end to last end) of an HOUR for them all to go in. The coop is an old camper converted into a chicken coop, so it only has one entry, which I know is part of the problem. The problem is that every bird will stand in the damn...
  8. arrowti

    Would this house be large enough for a pair of geese?

    Hello! My mom is looking into getting a pair of geese next spring, probably Emden or Toulouse to raise for meet. The only problem is that there wasn't really a coop available. Well, a friend of ours who owned ducks wasn't planning on using the coop again. The only remaining duck they have is now...
  9. arrowti

    Moving for a job, would like to take ducks, probably cannot

    So this is an odd topic... I just accepted a job offer for a place very far (well, 2.5 hours which for me is far because I hate driving...) from where I currently live at home. I don't make enough money at my part time retail job to afford a house. Or even a down payment. Which means I'll be...
  10. arrowti

    The Old Birds (Science, Dinosaurs and History!)

    Having been following a lot of articles and new information surrounding some of my favorite interests I thought, maybe, some people here would be interested too. You see, these interests are: science, history and dinosaurs. Like any science, things are constantly being found and evolving over...
  11. arrowti

    Mature rooster at 14 weeks?

    I just caught my 14 week old roo successfully dancing for and 'mating' (or at least, doing the right form) an adult hen. I thought they had to be 4-5+ months to be sexually mature. Is it possible he's practicing? I wasn't expecting this for another couple or weeks or even month. This...
  12. arrowti

    I have 4-6 roos and only 1 space - when should I choose?

    I let my hens hatch their own chicks this year. The result is 6, 5 or 4 roosters (two of them I'm still not COMPLETELY sure) and 3 obvious pullets. In my current flock I only have room for 1 more rooster to keep with my one and a half aging rooster (one is a banty :oops:) Two of the roosters...
  13. arrowti

    What's the longest time your broody has raised chicks?

    My broody hen is still protecting, herding and laying on/with her 9 week old chicks, despite the fact that they're fully feathered and probably capable of taking care of themselves at this point. The cockerels are almost as big as she is! So it had me wondering - what's the longest one of your...
  14. arrowti

    Duck possibly attacked or sick

    Need a little help here. I was outside when I heard loud quacking and went running. I could see four ducks but not the fifth until I found her lying in the bushes, not moving. I walked right up to her and she kept closing her eyes and I knew something was wrong. There was a mark on her...
  15. arrowti

    Young and adult roosters

    Hello. I was just thinking about my roosters... I have two adult roosters, although one is a bantam. I now have 2 11 week old roosters, one who is starting to crow. They were raised by a broody and have been living with the flock together and seem to get along with the other roosters but I'm not...
  16. arrowti

    Egg shell with poop?

    One of my older hens (4 years) 'pooped' and mixed in with the coop was a soft shell. No yolk or anything else, just the shell. Maybe she had a soft shell sitting in there when she pooped. They've been dropping a lot of soft shells lately but also laying regular eggs (3 hard eggs a day, 3 soft...
  17. arrowti

    At what age does a red comb not indicate rooster?

    I know this is a strange question but hear me out. On my first batch of broody hatched chicks (only 2) the now 10 week old chicks sported red combs at 3 weeks old and red wattles starting at 5 weeks. One is VERY clearly a rooster and the other is very likely a rooster, just lacking the behavior...
  18. arrowti

    White sex links?

    This past weekend I went to TSC to get an extra feeder and noticed they still had chicks. One of the batches was labeled "White Sex Links" which said in bold writing "NOT meat birds!!!". Now, as far as I've researched, white sex links aren't a breed and there isn't really any way for these to...
  19. arrowti

    Nasty Hen - solutions?

    Hello. Long post, sorry. To preface: we have 2 adult roosters (one bantam, one standard, both 5 years old and get along and don't mate often these days), 10 adult hens (2 EE, 8 RLRs), 2 young mixed cockerels (one MAY be a pullet) at 8 weeks old, and 7 mixed chicks at 4 weeks old. The 4 week old...
  20. arrowti

    How to help my stubborn drake heal

    My drake, Opie, went and aggravated his gimp knee today, by going for an awkward walk-stumble-trip through the backwoods of the enclosure. I didn't help, as I went to drive them back into the flat grassy area and made him trip and stumble even more. Later, I noticed he was having a notoriously...
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