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  1. Leanimal

    Scissor Beak

    4 week Amaraucana. Is it kinder to cull it even if it's not suffering? Will it suffer later? How will I know it's suffering? She seems to be growing and not peeping in want of anything. Seems to be having trouble preening her new feathers on the back neck area because it seems oily. Thanks.
  2. Leanimal

    Mean chick

  3. Leanimal

    Mean chick

    I brought home a mean chick today. It pecks the other one's eyes. I've got it in isolation, but it's peeping loudly and non stop and is super stressed. Any ideas how to make her feel more secure? She's got everything she needs and is warm enough. Thanks.
  4. Leanimal

    Right food?

    Thank you.
  5. Leanimal

    Right food?

    Never mind. I was mistaken. There was a tag I missed on the bottom of the bag that says in bold letters CHICK STARTER!! D'oh!! Thanks for your reply!!
  6. Leanimal

    Right food?

    I got my baby chicks today (YAY!!) but I thought he was going to give me a 50lb bag of medicated chick starter, but when I got home the bag says Albers Poultry Feed. Is that ok!? Or should I go back and get "chick starter"? There is a picture of a chick on it.... Thanks, Leanne
  7. Leanimal

    Which chickens should I get?

    Thanks All! I think I am going to get 2 easter eggers, a plymouth barred rock, buff orphington, 2 black australorps, and a black sex link! With all the cool breeds, how can you just pick one!!? Wish me luck!!
  8. Leanimal

    Which chickens should I get?

    I'm getting the six baby chicks in February. Which breeds should I get? I have two young kids so they need a sweet disposition and egg laying is the next priority. My coop is 4x6 with 3 nest boxes and a yard to play in so size is not really an issue. These will be my first chickens so easy care...
  9. Leanimal

    Brooder size

    6. Thanks all for the advice! I will stick with a box then.
  10. Leanimal

    Brooder size

    I've been searching the forums on brooder size. I know they need 1-2sf per chick, but how tall does it need to be? I've got one of those under the bed storage boxes that is only about 6" tall. Maybe I could put cardboard around the sides to make it taller? But I like the idea of having plastic...
  11. Leanimal

    Left over cedar planks?

    Thanks for the advice. I've done some research and everything is hearsay ranging from instant death to they'll be fine. Facts and research are hard to find. From what I can tell, as long as it's aired out wood, plenty of ventilation in the coop, and cedar lumber (not shavings or the closet liner...
  12. Leanimal

    Left over cedar planks?

    Yeah! We're trying to buy as little material as possible. So we'll see how well sealed the board and board works. We might even use some silicone if there are few enough gaps. We're also worried about adding osb due to the structural support as we're putting a green roof on it :) don't want it...
  13. Leanimal

    Left over cedar planks?

    We're going to try the board and board method!
  14. Leanimal

    New from NW WA

    I did, thanks! I've also got a bunch of books from the library. I've got a basic design. We'll draw it up on our CAD program then see if it needs anything different. :)
  15. Leanimal

    New from NW WA

    Thank you! Good insight about chicken demeanor chicklover69!
  16. Leanimal

    New from NW WA

  17. Leanimal

    Green roof

    Herbs is a good idea I was thinking a mix of sedums and moss.
  18. Leanimal

    Green roof

    Has anyone done a green roof? Do you have any tips or advice for just a small 4x6, slanted green roof design?
  19. Leanimal

    New from NW WA

    Thanks LIChickens! I've got a ton of books checked out from the library and am working on a design. Don't worry, I'm doing my research! :)
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