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  • Users: Devw
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  1. Devw

    Got Mites? I Found a Solution

    Hi everybody! I'm not sure if anyone else has posted something similar, but I figured I post it anyways for the good of all poultry owners. For the last two or three years, I have been fighting mites. I have tried Everything. I have tried garlic in the water, essential oils, weekly baths...
  2. Devw

    so whatcha think?

    The second one is an easter egger hen(Maybe a mutt ameraucana but unlikely.) If your breeder doesn't monitor what breeds to what, I'm going to go with the mutt option. He's probably part leghorn, but I have no idea where he got that color pattern from. His cape reminds me of Frisian gulls, but...
  3. Devw

    Sexing RIR

    Pullet. Roosters usually have a larger comb by now, and as young chicks have a brighter red comb development.
  4. Devw

    What breed???

    The black one is either a jersey giant, a black star, or possibly black australorp. When the chick was younger did it have white spots on its head/or white underside? If there's white spots on the head it's probably a black star. If white underside probably australorp (or another large fowl...
  5. Devw

    so whatcha think?

    Without a doubt, it's a roo. The breed is probably a hatchery cross. What hatchery did you get him from? That'll help narrow it down the breed hopefully.
  6. Devw

    Lock down

    Muscovies, from my personal experience, have a slightly longer incubation period than other fowl. I've had some hatch on day 40 (yes, I counted right. I was quite surprised myself.) I would recommend not messing with the incubator, though I haven't ever hatched them with one of those (will soon...
  7. Devw

    What do you have in your flock?

    Currently my flock includes: Ameraucanas (black and blue) Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes Buff Orpingtons Japanese Bantams (Gray) Jersey Giants (black) Frisian Gulls (lemon) Cornish (dark) Buckeyes Plymouth Rocks (white and barred) Silkies (white) Easter Eggers Leghorn (white) Rhode Island Red...
  8. Devw

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    I agree, definitely a pullet. One of the many great things about the Japanese is that you can actually tell gender (without vent sexing) about 3 days-week after they're born. Roosters start developing their combs very quickly, but the hens don't really start developing completely until 4-6...
  9. Devw

    Gray Japanese Bantam Cockerel 6 months old

    Yes, this boy is still available(sorry for my late reply!). My parents do rabbit transports (and should be going through your area, I believe. I'll have to check.) They'd be more than willing to transport, if that's the case. The price would be between $10-$20 to transport him. Their next...
  10. Devw

    Someone's growing...silkie feathers?

    A white silkie, for sure. It probably won't have much of a "poof" on the head, like they really should. The wing feathers should look fairly shredded, too.
  11. Devw

    Introducing babies to one month old duck

    Well, I would advise against letting the two ages of ducks intermingle until the 3 day old ducks are almost fully feathered out (or of similar size). Ducks (at least in my experience) establish pecking order based on age, but the 5 week old can very, very easily take it too far (or even step on...
  12. Devw

    Best bedding for ducks?

    Personally, I use straw/dried hay as bedding. Not terribly deep. It's easy to keep clean, and doesn't stick to the barn floor as long as it's done every month or so. My barn doesn't have the best insulation, so it helps keep my ducks warm during the winter (though not too relevant in your...
  13. Devw

    Post your Duck names!

    Muscovy Hens: Chestnut (We call her Chester)-Chocolate Harriet-Chocolate Lemony-Black Pied (was the most yellow duckling I have ever seen! Literally looked like a lemon) Thing 1-black Thing 2-black Muscovy Drakes: Ozzy-chocolate Robert-black Call Duck Drake (pastel) Catherine (I thought he...
  14. Devw

    HELP!! What is this?

    It looks like there may be internal bleeding withing the nostril. Unfortunately I don't know how to help with this, but it may give you a start on where to look. Hopefully your duckling gets better!
  15. Devw

    I need suggestions please

    I am incredibly sickened that this happened to you. If you get the issue resolved, please let us know. I agree with missyprissychick about the security cameras. I would also format as detailed as possible list of harassments, once there is evidence from the security cameras. If they poison...
  16. Devw

    Gray Japanese Bantam Cockerel 6 months old

    Beautiful Japanese bantam cockerel for sale. He's a great brood quality rooster, and will throw some decent or stellar babies. Bred from Tom Chandler's lines. He's easy to handle and great for showmanship. His saddle markings are crisp, and very near in appearance to the cape. He has great...
  17. Devw

    Japanese Bantam Thread!

    Yes, the buff is definitely a cockerel. What's really nice about the Japanese is that it's very easy to tell the gender of the chicks a few days after hatching. You're grays are darling! Though one of them looks like it's going to be what I call a naked gray, where they're bred from grays but...
  18. Devw

    Topic of the Week - Which Breeds Are Best For….

    I think a lot of it is the breed, from personal experience. I always handle my birds and create a good relationship with them, but repeatedly from breeds like leghorns and plymouth rocks, I have gotten extremely aggressive roosters that attack at any given opportunity. The hens from these breeds...
  19. Devw

    Could he be Orpington? How did he get that color?

    Personally, I don't think it looks too much like an Orpington. It could be one, as I've heard that some people are working towards colored patterns like this. Honestly, I'm leaning towards a barred plymouth rock crossed with something that has that red color (as barring is a separate gene from...
  20. Devw

    Broody Muscovy

    Your duck will probably sit until they hatch. When a duck gets some eggs to sit on, she'll probably sit for well over a month trying to hatch them before she gives up. This isn't true for every duck, but mine get pretty determined on hatching eggs. I had a duck make a nest in the middle of...
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