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  1. DiveJedi

    Winter Advice

    How high off the ground is your roost? I started with a lower set-up (2x2 about 6 inches off the ground) and then moved my girls onto the higher (permanent) roost.
  2. DiveJedi

    Re-introducing rooster to flock

    I have a 21' x 12' run set-up. So far the set up with the 5x5 dog run has been working but bringing him into the garage every night, especially with the colder temperatures this time of year may not work all winter. Could he go back in with the hens overnight and be separated during the day? We...
  3. DiveJedi

    Re-introducing rooster to flock

    Hey everyone, I have a 5 month old flock that recently beat my rooster up, pecked his back and tail feathers to bleeding. I have separated him for the past 2 week while the injuries have been healing up, keeping him in a 5x5 dog kennel inside of the run during the day and in a separate kennel at...
  4. DiveJedi

    Poop stuck to 1 week old chicks- What do I do???

    It's Apple Cider Vinegar
  5. DiveJedi

    Chick with unknown growth

    Yeah I had read about it but couldn't see any photos that looked the same. Will keep an eye on them! :)
  6. DiveJedi

    Chick with unknown growth

    No plans to, before I started cleaning them I did some research to make sure I didnt mistake the belly button for poo. Thanks though!
  7. DiveJedi

    Chick with unknown growth

    Hi Everyone, I recently got my first batch of chicks from a hatchery, 25 little Plymouth Barred Rocks. I was having to deal with some "pasty butt" issues and in checking their vents for cleanliness I notice something different on two of them. It looks like there is something going on with their...
  8. DiveJedi

    BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

    We decided to use our dog kennel, it is approximately 5' x 5' and 4' tall, with a rubber Matt under it for traction when they get a bit older. For now we have put a kiddie pool inside with shavings. It's not the prettiest but the chicks seem to be happy. The plan is to eventually remove the pool...
  9. DiveJedi

    Hello from Burns Lake, British Columbia

    Hi to all from Burns Lake, British Columbia, its a small village (2200 people) in rural Northern BC. I am new to the chicken world but I've been following the different threads here on BYC for some time. Recently (4 days recently) became the proud parent of 25 Plymouth Barred Rock pullets and I...
  10. DiveJedi

    Poop stuck to 1 week old chicks- What do I do???

    I am having this issue with my chicks currently, seems to be getting slightly better but if it persists I will give trimming their feathers around the vent a try. Currently we are dipping their little butts in warm water and gently removing, slow work but works.
  11. DiveJedi

    25 Plymouth Barred Rocks

    25 Plymouth Barred Rocks
  12. DiveJedi

    Combining a new flock

    I was thinking the same thing. What would a proper quarantine set-up consist of? I had considered using a dog kennel but I have read various time lengths when it comes to quarantining your chickens.
  13. DiveJedi

    Combining a new flock

    Hi everyone, I am looking at starting my flock by getting some layers from a couple of different sources. What is the best way to combine the hens into a single flock when they are coming from multiple flocks? Should I worry about isolating them first?
  14. DiveJedi

    Canadians check in here....

    This is good to know, we have nights that get down to -30 to -35 and winterizing was a big concern
  15. DiveJedi

    New to the community

    Hi everyone, long time lurker here and decided to join the conversation. So new to chickens that I don't have any yet. Looking at setting up a coop and bringing home some new chicks this spring when the snow melts. Does anyone have any suggestions on how far to have your coop/run away from...
  16. DiveJedi

    Canadians check in here....

    @dragonthehunter No, never. We are really looking forward to getting set up over the next few months and bringing some home. @harmesonfarm Thinking about Ameraucanas, Sussex and perhaps some Columbian Rocks. Not 100 percent yet but we are looking to figure out what would work locally as we...
  17. DiveJedi

    Canadians check in here....

    Saying hi from Burns Lake, British Columbia. Wife and I just got a piece of property and are looking forward to growing a flock this spring!
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