Canadians check in here....

Hey folks, checking in from Sackville, NB. Planning to get hens in the Spring. Anyone else on here from this area?
Im about an hour away from you
Are you planning on heritage breeds or hybrids from the shurgain?
Edit:If your planning on heritage check out Les farms they are more expensive but you get quality birds
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At the moment I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm leaning towards heritage breeds although that's not based on any research. Will check out Les Farms, thanks for the link.
The initial plan is to have the birds butchered in the winter so I'd just be keeping them from spring to the start of winter and then starting over every year. I want to make sure its a fit before I go investing in winterising something for them. There a few hens for sale locally that are relatively young so what I might end up doing is just getting anything thats available for the first year and then planning things out properly for 2018.
I thought about doing that but then got hooked on chickens and now couldn't do it to any of my original flock
And winterizing Isn't very hard they generate so much heat a couple of mine have survived the night outside staying in trees on nights that the temp went down to -30
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I thought about doing that but then got hooked on chickens and now couldn't do it to any of my original flock
And winterizing Isn't very hard they generate so much heat a couple of mine have survived the night outside staying in trees on nights that the temp went down to -30
Holy moly! What type is the ones that roosted out at night? Tough birds!!

Some of my roosters were out as low as -12 or so...but when we got the first big dump of snow, I moved all the roosters into the large
I thought about doing that but then got hooked on chickens and now couldn't do it to any of my original flock
And winterizing Isn't very hard they generate so much heat a couple of mine have survived the night outside staying in trees on nights that the temp went down to -30
This is good to know, we have nights that get down to -30 to -35 and winterizing was a big concern
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first time chicken owner here, from Saskatchewan. man i wish the weather only got down to -30C the past week we hit -49C (i had to heat the chicken coop)

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