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  1. JABehrens

    Standard Cochins, Pullets or Cockerels?

    Normally I’m pretty good at this but I’m not sure. These two are 4 months old. No crowing yet. Pullet or cockerel???
  2. JABehrens

    Backyard flock owner with Cochins, Silkie mixes, and quail

    Backyard flock owner with Cochins, Silkie mixes, and quail
  3. JABehrens

    The Best Arrangement for a Tiny Bird

    So I have an issue. I got a bunch of chicks from Tractor Supply this spring. One of them turned out to be a Serama mix. Guys, this hen is TINY. She's like, the size of a quail. Which is why she is currently with the quail, not the chickens. But I've heard that chickens can give quail diseases...
  4. JABehrens


    They look nice! So far I don't see any rooster signs. Watch for "streamers" on their head poof, and a red tint to their combs.
  5. JABehrens

    Easter Egger, Araucana, or americauna ?

    Seconding what SylvieTheCochin said above. Easter Egger.
  6. JABehrens

    what breed is she? Purchased on 12/9 from tss type store assorted bantam

    She looked like a bantam silver laced Cochin to me.
  7. JABehrens

    Unusual Coturnix Colors and Mixes

    GUYS. I have 9 little Coturnix quail, almost adults, and I am now obsessed with these little birds! What delightful animals! So excited. I have Texas A&M, Italian, and a Tuxedo. But I've seen pictures in passing of all kinds of other colors. There are the usual ones listed in the sticky post in...
  8. JABehrens

    Eliminating Drafts

    That would work. Other options include cardboard, plywood, some kind of plastic board ...
  9. JABehrens

    Types of Silkies

    Well that's cool!! More detailed than what I could provide!
  10. JABehrens

    Eliminating Drafts

    Hi everyone! I am renovating an old coop that used to be a rabbit hutch. The boards on the sides and back have a slight gap, and I bet it's very drafty in the wind. You think I should use caulk or a liner inside of some kind to seal it from drafts? The bottom is also open, covered with hardware...
  11. JABehrens

    Good breeds for very (very) hot summers?

    I forgot Turkens! They're so funny looking. Guinea fowl take the heat well, but are loud and just ... so, so, SO stupid.
  12. JABehrens

    Mixed Breeds Showcase

    Sounds like you have a great rooster!
  13. JABehrens

    Docile chicken breeds

    Speckled Sussex, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks are probably your best bets. Throw in a Black Copper Marans and an Ameraucana and you have a colorful egg basket! If they REALLY want a pet, though, Silkies are the most docile chickens I've ever seen. And the stupidest.
  14. JABehrens

    Types of Silkies

    There's the usual Silkie, with the Silkie feathering, in bantam and standard. There are satin Silkies, which are Silkies with normal feathering. They're quite pretty, though they are technically mutts. I don't think they are showable currently. Then there are satin frizzle Silkies, who are...
  15. JABehrens

    Olive eggs

    Araucanas are cool, but I've heard they are not as hardy as Ameraucanas, especially in regards to fertility: Ameraucanas are fabulous birds - friendly, relatively intelligent, colorful, great layers, active, and they don't go broody...
  16. JABehrens

    Good breeds for very (very) hot summers?

    Anything with a more sleek, tightly-feathered look is more likely to do well, like fayoumis and campines. The big round birds like cochins and orpingtons tend to have a harder time. That said, what kind of birds do I have, in Dallas? Cochins and Silkies, naturally. I just make sure they ALWAYS...
  17. JABehrens

    Can someone please tell me what kind of bantams these are?

    Hard to tell, but I'm betting Serama mix, just from the posture.
  18. JABehrens

    Transitioning Coturnix to Outside

    Ok! I'm going to put them out there tomorrow while I'm home and see how they do.
  19. JABehrens


    Yup, Silkie cross, but she looks kind of bedraggled. Good idea to bring her inside for a bit. Silkies are so gentle and sweet, they get picked on!
  20. JABehrens

    What breed is she?very unique feathers not frizzle but they are a little wavy

    My partridge cochin hen looked just like that when she was young! Once she grew out of her awkward teenage stage, she smoothed out. I have a picture of her on her Twitter account. (I made a twitter account for a chicken, yes.) @SepiaTheChicken
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