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  1. ChickonLand

    Prolapsing hens because of worms?

    Thanks all for your help. I do believe my other hen had worms, because inside the hole of the infection were large worms. Yes, she did also have maggots on her outside. I ran outside and looked over my other hen individually. A few of them had poopy bums so I gave them a quick wash. Their skin...
  2. ChickonLand

    Prolapsing hens because of worms?

    How can I tell the difference? they were half cm long worms, there were a lot of flies around and in the poop caked to her bum there were little maggots
  3. ChickonLand

    Prolapsing hens because of worms?

    They are good sized, not fat. The hen who died had not lost any weight, her back end that just burst and worm were crawling out... sorry for the details. The concern I have is that these two other hens have some white around their vent, and their vents are red
  4. ChickonLand

    Prolapsing hens because of worms?

    I have a hen that prolapsed because of worms last week, we sadly had to put her down. Now I have two more hens that look similar... their back ends are red and loosing feathers, is anyone else familiar with this?
  5. ChickonLand

    Can I give my Broody hen live chicks?

    I have a buff orpington who has been broody for two days. I'd like to get her three or four chicks to raise. Have you done it before? Do I have to wait 21 days or can I give her the chicks sooner? Any advice?
  6. ChickonLand

    Eggs getting weirder...

    How many eggs have you gotten like that? Is the shell still strong?
  7. ChickonLand

    Breeding Half Siblings

    Thanks for all the help!
  8. ChickonLand

    Breeding Half Siblings

    I have a question about genes and breeding a rooster with hens. This may take a little time to explain. Here is goes! I have 9 hens from a feed store. They grew up and I let one of my BRs hatch 5 eggs from a family friend who has two Roosters, an Araucana and Dominque. Out of the five eggs...
  9. ChickonLand

    Breeding Chickens

    I have a question about genes and breeding a rooster with hens. This may take a little time to explain. Here is goes! I have 9 hens from a feed store. They grew up and I let one of my BRs hatch 5 eggs from a family friend who has two Roosters, an Araucana and Dominque. Out of the five eggs...
  10. ChickonLand

    Hen or Roo (Rhode Island Red)

    Can you get a picture of their tail feathers? looks like a pullet... kinda. How old is it?
  11. ChickonLand

    New layers

    As long as the shell is hard eat those first eggs! I always try to collect the eggs daily and if an egg sits for a day out in the coop it should be fine. Do you have a rooster? If the eggs are fertile make sure you collect before any hen starts sitting on them. You don't want to crack open an...
  12. ChickonLand

    Sexlink Hen or Rooster?!

    Those tail feathers look like a rooster's, but their comb is too small and pale to be a rooster. My vote is a pullet!!
  13. ChickonLand

    mixing chicks and hens

    Six weeks may be a little too young to mix with hens. You want to make sure they're a similar size so they don't get beat up on. See how the chicks do with the larger hens and go from there. If they get beat up too much then you may want to keep the three chicks separate for another week or so...
  14. ChickonLand

    Is it OK to free-range chickens that haven't started to lay?

    Sounds like your Leghorn is about to start laying!!! I have free range hens and they never had a run. Yes, the second hen to start laying did lay in a bush but I just locked her in the hutch because she and one other hen were the only ones laying. It's totally up to you what you do. If you...
  15. ChickonLand

    Mama hen bullys her babies

    I just had this same problem in June! Except my hen's babies were only two weeks old when she wanted them to defend themselves. I didn't think much of it because, yes, they were small but we have plenty of bushes for them to hide under until they were older. If you feel like they are too small...
  16. ChickonLand

    Breed identification help?

    How old is this chick? Looks like a pullet.
  17. ChickonLand

    Breed identification help?

    Maybe an australorp mix. ;)
  18. ChickonLand

    I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

    Is this a rooster? This is an eight week old Araucana cross.
  19. ChickonLand

    Breed and gender

    Looks like and Easter Egger. I'm not sure about the gender. Can you post a better pic of their tail feathers?
  20. ChickonLand

    Need help! Internally pipped eggs show no signs of external pip

    Aw how fun! So you un zip you basically mimic what the chick would do. You break and peel away the shell around the top of the egg until it pops off. but you do this very slowly and take break as iff you are the chick. Also, the chick may take over after sometime and that's great!
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