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  1. mnmoliv2

    Can I leave the chickens outside alone during the day?

    Depends on your area, fence height, and if you have a rooster or not. I have portion of my yard accessible to my 8 chickens during the whole day, and they come back to their coop at night. Personally, I've never had any problems with critters, but I do live in the suburbs (we have around 1/2 an...
  2. mnmoliv2

    Entertaining Baby Chicks

    Just wondering if anyone had any fun ideas for keeping baby chicks busy and active. I try to get my one week old chicks out everyday to play in the dirt and find bugs, but if I can’t get around to taking them out, I was wondering if there are any creative “toys” to put in their brooder. They are...
  3. mnmoliv2

    New Chicken Owner

    Aloha everyone! New chicken owner here and excited to be apart of BYC:) I have four perfect little chickens (well not exactly little) and hoping to grow the flock. I’ll post some pics of my babies above. The Red Sex Link is Angie, Rosie is the Ameracauna, Ella is the young Orpington, and...
  4. mnmoliv2

    Weird Eggs

    Oh okay good. I’m a fairly new chicken owner and have raised all of them from babies so I’m just making sure that this is normal or not since it is just one bird. Thank you!
  5. mnmoliv2

    Weird Eggs

    Oh no sorry to confuse you. My Ameracauna started laying at 22 weeks. I was just adding that my sex link has always had really good eggs so that’s why I think all of the strange eggs are from my Ameracauna. But yes I have seen her eat the oyster shells. I have four birds total. Two are fourteen...
  6. mnmoliv2

    Weird Eggs

    Hi everyone! So my newest egg layer, who has been laying for a couple of weeks now, has been having a really hard time laying in general. She is an Ameracuana and lays six to seven eggs a week except usually once a week she will lay some bizarre egg. So far we’ve had three with no shell and a...
  7. mnmoliv2

    Do chickens feel love?

    I have two chickens that I raised when they were just 3 days old. They are so attached to me that it becomes annoying. At night the two always try to sleep my shoulder and head and THEY WILL NOT MOVE. I love them dearly but sometimes it's a little dramatic. One did not leave my shoulder no...
  8. mnmoliv2

    Sexing Silkies

    Alrighty that’s what I thought. Thank you guys!
  9. mnmoliv2

    Sexing Silkies

    Hi everyone! So I’m pretty certain that both of my silkies are roosters, which really sucks since we aren’t allowed to own roosters here, but I just want to be certain before I send them to another home:( I already know that one of them is a rooster since he is crowing, but my other one isn’t...
  10. mnmoliv2

    Sexing Silkie

  11. mnmoliv2


    One night I accidentally closed the bottom part of my chicken’s coop so they couldn’t go in, and around 7:00 (when they usually go to bed) they all got really confused. I went down below to their coop to close up before I realized I had the coop closed off. My four chickens were all sleeping in...
  12. mnmoliv2

    Dry and flaky skin on baby chicks

    Thank you so much for the information! I really appreciate it. I’ve grown up owning reptiles so owning birds is a little new to me, especially having a little terrier dog that likes to attack wild ones outside (she’s seems to ignore the chickens though which is good). The last reptile I owned...
  13. mnmoliv2

    Dry and flaky skin on baby chicks

    Here are some photos. Sorry they aren’t very well. About their brooder: Has a 250 Watt red light that I usually turn off and on now and then. They are kept inside in my living room which is usually around 70 degrees fahrenheit. They are pretty comfortable around it. They’ll either be sleeping...
  14. mnmoliv2

    Dry and flaky skin on baby chicks

    Hi everyone! I am a new chicken owner and I recently got 4 chickens. Two are both 2 weeks old, one is 3 weeks old, and the other one is almost 4 weeks old. All of the chickens have been sneezing (sometimes bits of snot, other times not) and shaking off dry skin. I don’t know if this is normal...
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