Entertaining Baby Chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2018
Just wondering if anyone had any fun ideas for keeping baby chicks busy and active. I try to get my one week old chicks out everyday to play in the dirt and find bugs, but if I can’t get around to taking them out, I was wondering if there are any creative “toys” to put in their brooder. They are obsessed with climbing and flying everywhere. Every time I open their cage, they come flying out.
I found a bunch of big branches from a tree and cut them up and placed them all at different heights inside the run... My chicks run up them all-day long and jump from one to another.

I am doing a tire with sand in it for them to dust bathe and play in it... Right now they have sand in their run and they love scratching and rolling in it.

I have bricks in different areas in my chicks like to scratch on them and eat bugs off them plus jump on them.

You can make ladders and platforms for them to run up or fly onto.

I saw a pic of a post placed in a run that had plant hooks on it and they hang off cabbage and such from it. Looked interesting ancim going yo be doing it this week some time for my hens and chicks!

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