5 days ago we got some hens, We only let them out this morning and they didnt escape or even try during the day, (to busy dust bathing and looking for worms!). But I went to go shut the door for the coop at dark but I couldnt find them anywhere! The whole family came out searching with torches looking everywhere. But then we looked up a tall tree and they are at the very top sleeping. But the only animals that could possibly kill them would be a wild cat, a possum or maybe a hawk??? I dont really know. We are inside now and they are still up the tree. Do I need to do anything? Will they lay in the nest box's? will they go back in the fence?

Any help would be great, thanks!

One night I accidentally closed the bottom part of my chicken’s coop so they couldn’t go in, and around 7:00 (when they usually go to bed) they all got really confused. I went down below to their coop to close up before I realized I had the coop closed off. My four chickens were all sleeping in random spots around the coop. One was across the fence high in a tree (and she is a little Silkie that never flies), another on top of a bush, one on the nesting boxes, and her best friend on the ground. I felt terrible! I scooped them all up and put them in their home. I actually never expected them to do that and the weird part was that they all were just passed out. Chickens are very strange creatures... Also good luck with your chickens! Your story just reminded me of this.

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