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  1. abellchicken

    Weevils and 2 day old chicks

    Will weevils in my chick feed hurt 2 day old babies?
  2. abellchicken

    I know silkies are very hard to check gender.

    I know silkies are very hard to check gender, but I got this one as a bonus and would like to know what I have. It only has 4 toes, but it cute. It is 10 weeks old have not heard a peep or a crow.
  3. abellchicken

    NO Egg laying

    OK so I have 13 older hens 2 and 1/2 plus, then I have 13 hens how are 8 months old and 11 that are 7 months old and 19 that are 17 weeks old. I am only getting 6 to 8 eggs a day. what is going on? I have had chickens for years and never had a problem like this. It seems like most of the...
  4. abellchicken

    Male or female

    I got this as a pullet from the feed store, but I am pretty sure he is a roo. I have someone who wants to buy him if he is a him. So I need a little confirmation other than just me. 10 weeks old. Thanks
  5. abellchicken

    Maran and others lock down

    I just locked these down yesterday. I have 11 Wyandottes, 6 Bielefelder, BC Maran, 1 Opel crest legbar, 4 Cream Crest Legbar, and 3 Olive eggers. Fingers crossed!!
  6. abellchicken

    Tractor Supply chickens

    I got the two chickens at tractor supply. Does any body have an Idea of what Breed and Gender these 2 are. I am think roos, but have no clue as to Breed. Please I am just curious.
  7. abellchicken

    Roo or Hen

    This is by far the largest of my flock. It's feathering looks like a hen, but Waddles and comb look like a Roo. No crowing, but definitely dominate. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. abellchicken

    What am I? Help would be appreciated!

    Bought pullets from a hatchery and I am pretty sure several are cockerels? Also 1 mystery chick that I don't know what kind. Picture 1 is the mystery chick. I am pretty sure it is a cockerel just do not know the Breed. They all are 5 weeks old. Picture 1 Picture 2 Cockerel or...
  9. abellchicken

    help please

    I have broody hen who has been on eggs for a week. Today I came home and she was sitting in another nest. One on the other chickens must have gotten in when she went to eat and she just went to the wrong nest. the eggs got cold. Are they ruined? I moved her back and have set up an...
  10. abellchicken

    Sex Link

    If I have a Barred Rock Rooster and Americana Hens will I have a Sex Link for Barring?
  11. abellchicken

    Cochin Barring

    Can you sex Barred Cochin chicks the same way as Barred Rocks. Darker chicks with round white spot is female. Light colored chicks smudgy spot on head male?
  12. abellchicken

    Bumpy eggs

    I have a hen who is nine months old and from the time she started laying at 20 right thru today she lays eggs like these. Has anybody else got a hen that lays eggs like that. She is very healthy and has all the oyster shells she can eat. I think it is neet. It doesn't hurt that they are...
  13. abellchicken

    After incubation?

    How long do I wait to see if eggs will hatch, before I throw them out? I am at 23 days. The ones that did hatch, hatched on day 20.
  14. abellchicken

    Baby chicks

    I have one chick and she has a hard red ball on hen bottom not where she poops but closer to her stomach. I also have two that have some kind of jelly sack hanging off the back . Will that absorb back into their bodies? Are will those chicks not make it? Help please.
  15. abellchicken

    Lock Down Question?

    When I go into lock down, do I need to take the eggs out of the turner or can I leave them in and just unplug it so it will not continue to turn? Anybody?
  16. abellchicken

    Hatch along with me!

    I just set 28 eggs around 5pm this afternoon. These is my first hatch ever. I hope it goes well. I am hoping for atleast half. Then I bet half of those will be male, but I don't care. I am so excited and it is 3 weeks away.
  17. abellchicken

    roo or hen?

    Ok I am having a little trouble deciding whether this 13 week old chick is a roo or pullet. Any help would be appreciated. Another photo same bird This is another bird 99.9% SURE HE is a Roo Here they are together. Thanks!!
  18. abellchicken

    How old before a Roo start romancing?

    I have a 10 week old roo. Not crowing. He is in with laying hens and two sisters his own age. They get picked on a little but no feather pulling or anything. I am just wondering when those hormones start to kick in? Will he crow first? Will the older ladies except him? When he gets to...
  19. abellchicken

    Olive Egger Chicks I need help with Gender.

    I have three Olive egger Chicks weeks old. Can anyone tell their gender for me? They are about 4 1/2 weeks old and a cross between EE and Black copper Maran. Thanks for your help. This is Sharpie. This one is Olive. This one is peaches. She is the only one with feathers on her feet. I just...
  20. abellchicken

    When molting is about over?

    After your chicken has gone through molting, how long before your hen starts to lay again and what are the signs that she about to?
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