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  1. ColetasticChickens

    Breeding Good Cross Breed Chickens

    What is a good idea to cross breed hens with? I have a Gold Wyandotte, Easter Egger, Cuckoo Maran, Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, Australorp, Barred Rock Any Ideas for excellent egg laying?
  2. ColetasticChickens

    Why did my chicken lay an egg in my run???

    Yesterday I had an egg in my run and I got confused. I thought to myself they have bedding.. So why did it lay there? Any ideas why?
  3. ColetasticChickens

    “Dredging Water” in my run

    So my coop/run is at the bottom of a hill. Any ideas, suppose there loving like it. I really don’t like muck, it’s like soggy cereal.
  4. ColetasticChickens

    New Pullets with older hens

    So I decided to buy 3 pullets Saturday. I’m scared bc they’re 6 week olds with 3 year olds help?
  5. ColetasticChickens

    Trying to Rebuild my coop

    I’ve browsed google and thought up this. Any opinions?
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