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  1. J

    Chicken rescue... M4 motorway

    Driving along the motorway yesterday (uk M4) and there was a little chicken. Just stood there. So I stopped on the hard shoulder... walked back... and after some shenanigans they let me pick them up. There was a very dead (and very flat) chicken there that they had been stood by poor little...
  2. J

    Rooster died

    My old boy died in my arms this evening. We think he was about 8 years old, he'd been with us nearly 5 years. He was acting a bit odd yesterdaywhen I went to lock them up, normally he stands up and lets me stroke his back and crows. Then he stayed in the hut today, so at 6pm we took him some...
  3. J

    Chickens terrorised by.....

    I got to the field early last night. No chickens. I could see that the coop doors were still open.... but no chickens. As i got closer i could see that all 24 chickens were stuffed into one corner of the coop, all fighting to be at the back. "Oh crap" i thought and ran in to find.... ...a teeny...
  4. J

    Alpha and beta roosters....mating question

    We have a flock of 22 hens and 2 roosters. The older rooster (Dot) is about 4 years old and has been alpha for about 3 years. Originally his flock was 9 hens. Last year we let some broodies sit and got 1 male and 10 we bought 3 more girls. Now the beta rooster (Treacle) is adult...
  5. J

    Oh no.....

    I arrived up the field at 8:30 to discover that the new chick...Dash... had decided to go for a walk and his poor mum (Sensible Hen) had left the other eggs to look after him. Anxious Hen had then left HER eggs to sit on Sensible Hens eggs. Anxious Hens eggs were pretty cold when i got here and...
  6. J

    A hatchling!

    Well we have a chick! The sensible broody hen (as opposed the the mentally cross broody hen and the anxious broody hen that would die of thirst and hunger if I wasn't pipetting water into her each day and risking my fingers to hand feed her) has had a little black chick with a white spot on its...
  7. J

    Eggs almost ready to hatch - question about male chicks

    Hi I am new here and have had chickens for just under 12 months now having got them from a friend in the village who was moving abroad. I have 9 hens and a cockeral (called Dot). Three of the hens went broody about 3 weeks ago; two of them have been getting up twice a day to feed, drink and poo...
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