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    5 week old quail pecking

    I have 8 five weeks old quail and two 0r three have minor pecks to the head and have lost feathers are they starting to attack and kill each other I want to avoid a bloodbath like last year
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    4 weeks old quail and gender identifying

    Looking at my adult male quail now he has spots
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    4 weeks old quail and gender identifying

    Not with them currently but 4 have spotted chests and 2 have bare ones
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    4 weeks old quail and gender identifying

    My chicks are around d 4 weeks old 6 are common browns and 1 is golden Italian and one is Tibetan, is there anyway to identify them? Any help would be appreciated.
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    Quail chick size relates to gender?

    Yep last year the quails attacked each other just as I got home from school and 1 died of its wounds, that was around 5 or six weeks just don’t want that to happen again
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    Quail chick size relates to gender?

    I have a couple of quail chicks that are around the same age as each other but some are noticeably smaller is this the early stages of telling boys and girls apart? Since adult male quail are smaller than female
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    Quail not walking properly seemly g

    Hood news it seemed to sort itself out and now I can’t even tell which one it is
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    Quail chicks pecking other beaks

    We have given them more obstacles and tunnels and the pecking as gone down
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    Quail not working properly seems to run on its tummy

    So my 1 or 2 day old chick is t walking properly and seemed to race around on its belly. Unsure they last time it are or drank but it would eat the water with electrolytes I was giving it. HELP Does it need separation and a special diet.
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    Quail not walking properly seemly g

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    Quail chicks pecking other beaks

    All of them I think it’s possible that. Are bored but we have put in obstacles and things to peck
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    Quail chicks pecking other beaks

    I have 7 quail chicks in a brooder but they are electing each other’s beaks and done are bleeding from those parts what should i do?
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    Button Quail eggs

    How long? same as cortunix?
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    Button Quail eggs

    Do Button quails lay everyday like cortunix of rarely?
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    Baby quail with weak legs

    I had the problem it seemed to just grow normally and now he’s happy and healthy
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    Devastated! Warning Graphical

    That’s horrible I don’t think I live in the same country as you so I am unsure if I can help but one of our chickens were once attacked by a wild cat or hawk and killed
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    Coturnix quail runt??

    Your white quail is possibly a male you may want to see if you can vent sex it
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    Quail SandBox ideas

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    Can Quails forget how to drink water

    I have 4 quails in a cage that could easily fit more but they aren’t eating much food or water but they are fine, so is there a problem? We are in August New Zealand the last month of winter
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    Quail SandBox ideas

    Anyone have a good idea for a sand\wood shavings box with minimum waste
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