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  1. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Keeping a Mycoplasma flock

    What state are you in? I was told the same thing from my necropsy on my girl who was fine in the morning then noticed her a little puffy with her feather in afternoon separated her and by next morning she was gone. Positive for MS, Coryza and infectious Bronchitis. I was shocked. There are no...
  2. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Positive for Mycoplasma Synoviae, Coryza and Bronchitis

    Thank you for the advice. I know I should cull the entire flock I just have a hard time when no one is showing any signs of being sick. It was just the one bird that looked a little off I separated her and by the next day she was gone. As of now there have been no other birds showing any signs...
  3. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Positive for Mycoplasma Synoviae, Coryza and Bronchitis

    Just had my 1 yo Cochin die and sent for necropsy. Came back positive for MS, Coryza and Bronchitis. I know even if I treat the rest of the flock they can remain carriers. I’ve got chicks I hatched out that have not been exposed to the one that died and I practice strict biosecurity when it...
  4. Kims-Little-Zoo

    They just "fell" into my cart...

    This is why I have 33 chicks in my front room, 18 that just made it outside coop they all go with the 7 adults I already had and now I have a broody hen that was hiding eggs and just hatched out 2 more 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
  5. Kims-Little-Zoo

    New Member

    Welcome there is a ton of knowledge here. There hasn’t been anything in regards to chickens health, food, housing, injuries, predators etc that i haven’t been able to find on here.
  6. Kims-Little-Zoo

    How much do you charge per dozen? And location

    $4/dz if you return the egg cartons otherwise $5/dz and if you want them delivered $6/dz I’m in Northern California
  7. Kims-Little-Zoo

    March 2023 hatch-a-long

    I had a broody hen up and abandon her eggs and had no idea when she layed them or how long they had been abandoned. I went ahead and candled them to my surprise saw movement but did hold out much hope but put in the incubator anyway. I have one hatching as I’m typing this out. It will join the...
  8. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Will white crested black polish hens have any blue iridescence in feathers? Silver laced?

    Don’t know anything about sexing them but just had to comment the frizzle polish are the cutest I had never seen one til your picture. I’m in ❤️. Might need to get me one. My only polish is my main rooster
  9. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Starter coop

    My thoughts on this is if you need a quick safe coop for only 3 until you build your own and they will be time spent outside of the run and you can afford it then it would work temporarily. It’s not ideal but as temp one it would work. If you have the time and can build even a temp one would...
  10. Kims-Little-Zoo

    What breed are these hens

    She’s got one feather on only one leg it’s kinda odd. The egg thing makes sense EE are so popular I forget they not an actual breed.
  11. Kims-Little-Zoo

    What breed are these hens

    I’m in love with her colors she’s just gorgeous , a bit of a loud mouth though 😂
  12. Kims-Little-Zoo

    What breed are these hens

    I thought EE laid blue or green eggs? She lays brown eggs
  13. Kims-Little-Zoo

    What breed are these hens

    I bought chicks from a local breeder and the majority were the breeds they were supposed to be however this hen Is questionable. Supposed to be a Light Brahma But she looks nothing like my Dark Brahmas that I have. Anyone know what she is?
  14. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Look what hatched

    Thank you it was a nice surprise
  15. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Look what hatched

    That’s a really good question. My rooster is a White Crested Blue Polish bantam and mama is a Sapphire Gem but she was sitting on a brown egg (hers) and the other egg was a blue one so could be my Blue Ameracauna or Frizzle Easter Egger. It’s also possible that one came from my other rooster...
  16. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Look what hatched

    I have a broody hen and so i’ve left her alone and just let her sit on some eggs. Well to my surprise just for fun i went to check the eggs since she was off them for a few minutes i picked one up shined my flashlight to it and it started chirping at me, and so did the next one. The next day...
  17. Kims-Little-Zoo

    Do you play music for your chickens?

    I play it for the babies and they prefer country or gospel over anything else. It’s funny to watch then when songs come on they like.
  18. Kims-Little-Zoo

    do chickens talk back ?

    I know mine do especially my first hen I got but if she doesn’t get her way then I swear she cusses me out and turns and walks away mumbling to herself😂😂😂😂
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