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  1. thistlewick

    What do you guys think of this video on how to sex 5 day old chicks?

    I am always curious about how people are *so certain* of their methods on social media -- the wing thing in particular was shown, on another video, as the complete opposite of what is male or female and I was just cracking up. From what I've read here, you really just do not know for a long...
  2. thistlewick

    What do you guys think of this video on how to sex 5 day old chicks?

    Saw this on YouTube today and I am just wondering what the experts here think of these methods? YouTube Video 'How to tell baby chick male or female/ vent sexing'
  3. thistlewick

    How to keep raccoons away??

    The raccoon did not come back last night, the eyes seemed to have worked. A possum has come up on our porch 3 nights in a row, sneaky bugger is not getting caught by the camera but we see the droppings. Isn't bothering the coop at all. It's predator proof and they are safe in the coop at...
  4. thistlewick

    How to keep raccoons away??

    Just caught a raccoon on our cameras last night -- nosing about the coop but we have those red blinking "eye" lights and it seemed to deter it from coming anywhere near the coop and he walked off, lost interest. Trapping/killing season isn't until October thru February so would have to get a...
  5. thistlewick

    Sapphire Gem Cockerel or Pullet please!

    How are they looking now a couple weeks later? I'm curious as I have a Sapphire Gem that is... indeterminate lol
  6. thistlewick

    Witnessed the coolest thing just now!

    Ohh yes you can with this one :D I showed him in a thread last week. Def a Cockerel! This was a week ago, it's redder now.
  7. thistlewick

    Witnessed the coolest thing just now!

    So I got a coop (a kind of mini one, a small tractor, meant for 4-6 grown hens) for my 13 chicks to grow up in, with an attached pen. They have about 34 square feet or so, quite nice! This is the second night they have gone in the coop with the door closed (with a heating plate in there, if...
  8. thistlewick

    5 Week Old Chicks - Do They Still Need a Heating Plate?

    Facebook, I am assuming! I haven't used it in years.
  9. thistlewick

    5 Week Old Chicks - Do They Still Need a Heating Plate?

    Oh, sorry, I didn't mean this thread in particular - I meant anywhere and everywhere you google things. It's constantly parroted that 'they are babies and *only have down*' etc
  10. thistlewick

    So is it a rite of passage to chase a chick around your yard when they fly out of the pen?

    LOL if so, check that one off the list! My husband and I were just sitting outside enjoying the morning, pen top open so it's a bit easier to see the chicks... when one of the Jersey girls eyeballs the edge of the pen and zoop! Out she went, we cracked up! Then continued to chase her gently...
  11. thistlewick

    5 Week Old Chicks - Do They Still Need a Heating Plate?

    I am brand spanking new to this but for what it's worth; I live in the Piedmont (central part) of North Carolina, in early summer its high of 80-85 outside during the day, down to 50 at night at it's lowest when it's "cooler", just to give you an idea of where I am at. Without rain (we aren't...
  12. thistlewick

    1.5-3.5 week old chicks stayed outside last night w/brooder plate and... were fine!

    Tonight... WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS? The Brooder is RIGHT THERE. It's COLD outside, 57 right now. These birds make no sense lol
  13. thistlewick

    We had 1 straight run chick... and pretty sure this is a Roo!?

    When does puberty begin and end so I can keep track?
  14. thistlewick

    Newbie(to BYC)

    Welcome to BYC! I'm a newbie but I have found this place very friendly and helpful if you have a problem or question.
  15. thistlewick

    We had 1 straight run chick... and pretty sure this is a Roo!?

    Yay! We are so happy we really wanted a Rooster! How will I be able to tell if he's a "gentleman" Rooster versus a nasty one? So far, in the couple weeks we've had him, he is bossy, but gentle. When we tried a new waterer for the first time, he wouldn't let any one else touch it until he...
  16. thistlewick

    We had 1 straight run chick... and pretty sure this is a Roo!?

    So we think this is a fella, 2.5 weeks old and that comb is pinking up?! He is our only Sapphire Splash.
  17. thistlewick

    1.5-3.5 week old chicks stayed outside last night w/brooder plate and... were fine!

    I was SO NERVOUS to do it, but all 13 of them were ignoring the brooder plate in my garage for days and days. It is WARM here in the Piedmont of North Carolina. The pop up pen I have is too small for 13 growing chicks and what's more, it has a zip closure so (1) I couldn't see them very well...
  18. thistlewick

    Yikes, got 4 more chicks! TSC minimum haha

    also look at the size difference in JUST ONE WEEK WOW!! One of our Easter Eggers next to the new Starlight Green Egger
  19. thistlewick

    Yikes, got 4 more chicks! TSC minimum haha

    3 Starlight Green Eggers and 1 Sapphire Gem, all premium pullets Aren't they the sweetest? They are all spitfires too, nice warm day here in NC, came home, rustlin around the older girls like they owned the place! I put in the original smaller feeder I had in addition to the much larger...
  20. thistlewick

    Going to rotational graze my chickens on pasture - no dust baths?

    Yep the chicken tractor is their roosting spot for night -- they will free range during the day doing their job over the pastures, spreading the cow poop with their scratch looking for the juicy morsels that have been laid within lol Chickens are an integral part of regenerative farming...
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