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  1. callsign222

    Introducing chicks of a different age to hen

    I have a Golden Wyandotte hen who has successfully hatched out two Cookoo Maran chicks two weeks ago. She is a doting and gentle mother, but unfortunately some weasel type got into the coop a few nights ago and killed one of the chicks. I have moved her and the remaining chick into the garage...
  2. callsign222

    Sudden avoidance to sleeping in the coop

    I have 5 silver and golden laced Wyandottes, 8 months old. After I culled my roo early this summer they started roosting in the tree above the coop. When I installed a light in the coop on a timer, they easily went back to the coop. The light goes off around 1030pm. Now, they are waiting...
  3. callsign222

    Interesting or Bad? Big Swollen Ear. Pictures!

    One of my 4+mo old Golden Wyandottes came out of the coop this morning with an ear area that's the size of a large marble. There's a small blood speck in the middle of it. It's quite swollen! She does not scratch it nor does she seem to be ill affected by it, though I caught her sleeping...
  4. callsign222

    New Chicken Dude in central NH

    Hello! After years of speculating, and months of waiting, I just got my first chickens-- 3 Silver and 3 Golden Laced Wyandottes!!! I am very excited. One of my best friends has chickens (half meat, half layers), and he loves them, and he motivated me to screw the circumstances and the timing...
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