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  1. K-9mom

    -20F temps tonight. Should I be worried?

    Ya, I am in CT and one of my girls got frost bite on her comb last night. Today I hung another heavier tarp over the exposed wall (one side is blocked by a shed, another by a pine tree, and a third from the run. I am wondering if the heated water is what caused too much humidity last night? Mine...
  2. K-9mom

    Frostbite.. what to do

    Ok.. it was below zero last night with the wind chill. Every night I close the 5 girls in the coop which has a heated waterer but no other form of heat. They have a solar LED light but that throws no heat. Today it is about 12 degrees and when I went to let them out I noticed one or maybe two...
  3. K-9mom

    digging perimeter

    mine started the same thing this week. also have dug out places to lay outside
  4. K-9mom

    Solar light for inside the coop

    I bought them at K-Mart....
  5. K-9mom

    Solar light for inside the coop

    Sooner - At this point they are not yet 6 months and are not laying. I doubt I will run the light in the summer months but right now it is dark at 4:30pm and therefore with them closed in the coop, it is dark for them for more than 12 hours per 24 hour period so I wanted them to have more...
  6. K-9mom

    Solar light for inside the coop

    Do you know how long your solar's stay on? Most I find are only good for 4/6 hours.
  7. K-9mom

    Solar light for inside the coop

    Does anyone use solar lights for the inside of their coops? I just picked up a set of 50 xmas lights (solar) for about $10. I hung them so they stayed in a bundle over the nesting boxes and so far they are doing very nicely. It is brighter by the boxes and gives off a dim light throughout the...
  8. K-9mom

    Partridge Rock Thread

    Some picture's of my Plymouth Rock girls at 5 months.
  9. K-9mom

    Toys for the hens?

    I use the yellow treat ball i bought at the Feed Store. I use regular feed or sometimes corn. I had to show them once and since then they love it.
  10. K-9mom

    What Breed or Mix of Rooster would you guess??

    Ok.. this is the boy I had asked about earlier. The pictures stink but I hope it can give you an idea. He belongs to one of the residents here and he doesn't know the breed (got from a friend). I just love his color patterns and am wondering what he could be. The picture doesnt' show it well but...
  11. K-9mom

    Our town voting for change in Hen Ownership

    The current regs are 5 chickens on 1.25 acres so they are just changing the allowed land.
  12. K-9mom

    How many roosters from hatcheries?

    I ordered 10 day old pullets from Ideal this summer and specifically told them NOT to add any "packing peanuts" if they could be roo's and I only got the 10 pullets that I requested w/o extra's.
  13. K-9mom

    What breed(s) is/are "speckled or color splashed"?

    I was at a residence yesterday (I am an ACO) and one of the guys roosters was the most awesome colored bird I have seen. I asked him and he didn't know as he was given the bird by a friend. Looked like someone took different pain colors and splashed a white bird with the brushes. I didn't have a...
  14. K-9mom

    Our town voting for change in Hen Ownership

    At the October 24, 2011 Tolland, CT Town Zoning Meeting, they will be discussing the revision of the zoning regulation to allow up to 6 chickens (No Roosters!) as an "as-of-right" use to residential lots as small as 0.5 acres (Currently the regulation requires that one must own a minimum of 1.25...
  15. K-9mom

    "Buffy" the Weed Slayer.....

    Thanks for the nice comments :o) They got to get out of the coop/run yesterday for the first time and they had a blast. It is amazing how much damage they can do with those little claws in a short amount of time, LOL!!
  16. K-9mom

    "Buffy" the Weed Slayer.....

    This is one of my Plymouth Rock Pullets @ 7 weeks. She is known as "Buffy" the Weed Slayer.....
  17. K-9mom

    Anyone use.....

    Thanks all.. especially to "YAH" for sharing the link... I guess I will bed them down and hope for the best...
  18. K-9mom

    Anyone use.....

    Sorry... All 5 of my girls are Plymouth Rocks (2 Barred, 2 Partridge, and 1 Buff). I guess the answers are the reason I am torn. I hear some say to do nothing and some that I feel go overboard (in other links), LOL! My coop is 4x6, is under a pin tree, with a shed nearby on 1 side and a 6ft...
  19. K-9mom

    Anyone use.....

    Hi all.... well our first group of girlz are doing well. They are now 7 weeks old and have been out in the coop for Bout a month. They have been allowed in their pen for about 2 weeks now and are excited to go out in the AM and in in the PM (7:30 seems to be their time and DON'T ASK THEM TO COME...
  20. K-9mom

    Light in the coop

    Thanks.. we will have 6 to 10 (trying to sell 4) in a 4 x 6 coop. Thanks for the info.
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