Toys for the hens?

Check out my blog. I have this metal spike that I use to secure treats in their run.

I grew a few dozen black oiled sunflowers this summer and saved the flower heads and dried them. Every few days, I'll spike one into the ground in their run for them to peck at. Those seeds are in there tight but once they get it started, they can devour the thing in about an hour.

I'll also spike an apple to the stick. Scroll down for images of that.

And sprinkling seeds on top of a big leaf pile is hours of scratching fun for my girls.
I use the yellow treat ball i bought at the Feed Store. I use regular feed or sometimes corn. I had to show them once and since then they love it.
We'll want a full report. Photos would be awesome.
I've tried it once w/ my hens but they showed no interest. But I think I spoil them too much with other things. I want to hear about others experience and I'll give it a try again. Because my girls LOVE greens. Spinach and parsley are their favorites.
I have never thought of toys for the hens, but after reading these posts, I must try them. But, would it be more entertaining to me or them?

Please share pictures!
Last winter I tried the hanging cabbage and/or ear of corn for the girls, they were terrified! Stayed in the coop for 2 days until I took that swinging monster away. cut it down and they destroyed it in a day. chickens are never-ending entertainment.
My little girls won't won't won't touch cabbage. I have offered it hanging (tethered), in a treat ball and shredded and they just plain don't like it. Same with carrots; turn their picky little beaks up at them. They love love love lettuce of all varieties and act upset if I don't provide it regularly. Cucumber is one of their favorites too, so they get half of a large one several days a week. Cheese, boiled eggs and spaghetti:lol:
are occasional treats. Half an apple, mango and pear also go over well. Corn is always a welcome treat as are meal worms and bananas. I make my own organic scratch for them and they love to hunt and peck for it. I throw a couple handfuls in the straw and around the trees in their run. They will all come sit on me if I have a piece of whole grain bread. My DH tried to give them a piece of white bread one day and they wouldn't eat it.
I told him that if chickens won't eat it, it really shouldn't be consumed by humans.
I give them a fresh veggie or piece of fruit every day so they have something to pick at besides their food.

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