Solar light for inside the coop


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 5, 2011
Does anyone use solar lights for the inside of their coops? I just picked up a set of 50 xmas lights (solar) for about $10. I hung them so they stayed in a bundle over the nesting boxes and so far they are doing very nicely. It is brighter by the boxes and gives off a dim light throughout the coop and darker the roost. It is also a way to provide light but no heat. The lights are lasting about 8 hours (at this point, until about 2am).

Anyone else do this? I would love any other solar ideas so I don't have to run cords out to the back.
i have solar spot lights in my chicken coop and guinea hen coop. I bought them from walmart for $10 each in the summer. They give off decent light, however i point them up toward the ceiling and away from the roosts. I keep them in there just in case my birds get scared off of their roosts they will have light to help them get back on.
Do you know how long your solar's stay on? Most I find are only good for 4/6 hours.
I have a small bunch of solar Christmas lights hanging in the corner opposite the roosts and next boxes. It is just a little bit light, but enough for me to look in through the window and see them, dim enough for them to settle down and sleep, but also enough that they are not totally "out of it" during the night. I guess they stay on about 4-6 hours; I know they're always on when I go out after dark to close the coop door and are off the next morning.
Sooner -
At this point they are not yet 6 months and are not laying. I doubt I will run the light in the summer months but right now it is dark at 4:30pm and therefore with them closed in the coop, it is dark for them for more than 12 hours per 24 hour period so I wanted them to have more light. As I mentioned, the solar xmas lights are very dim but at least it allows them to eat dinner or move around a couple more hours per day.
I bought them at K-Mart....
I bought a solar light kit from Northern Tool last year but it was a piece of junk. Then I went out to the internet and found this one on eBay and installed it. It's been great. It holds a charge for a long time and even seems to charge up when it's cloudy. I turn it on when I let the Gals out of the run to free-range about 45 minutes before dark and then turn it off 2 or 3 hours later when I go back out to lock them up for the night. We were having problems with getting the guineas and some of the BSL's to go into the coop for the night, I guess because they couldn't see to get on the roosting bar. But after I added this light everyone is in at dark and all is well. I think I paid less than $25 for it delivered. It took maybe 15 minutes to mount and set up.


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