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  1. betR2

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    When you have steak and veg for dinner and put the potato peels (sweet potato, swede, parsnip, etc) in the frypan as soon as the meat come out, because you know the chickens can't eat them raw. PS they really love their special peels (and I hate sorting compost/chicken scraps, so we are all happy!)
  2. betR2

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    Yep! :thumbsup I went out to dinner with a friend and they asked to see pictures of our latest grandchild. I was quite embarrassed how many hen and chick pics there were before I found some grandchildren ones. oops :jumpy
  3. betR2

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    .... when you do the dishes twice a day, with a hose. ;) (As for the people-ones in the kitchen, sometimes they pile up a little. Hopefully, the desire to keep thinking of special foods and treats might wear off one day and I can get... anything else... done.) :D Picking herbs, sprouting seeds...
  4. betR2

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    I used to do this before chickens, so heavens help me now. My daughter remembers coming home from school to the wonderful smells of Mum's cooking, only to find the stew was for the dog.
  5. betR2

    You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

    When you make yourself a salad for lunch.... and one for the chicks and one for the hens. Wish I took a pic. It made me laugh at myself today, a bowl for my salad and two stainless plates beside. We ate the same except I added one or two non-chicken-friendly bits to finish mine. (Theirs were all...
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