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  1. Prinette


    Awesome I'll have to try that tomorrow. I'm pretty sure he's just the run of the mill American Game bantam but I think he's absolutely lovely. Though somehow none of our hens have ever made anymore like him. :(
  2. Prinette


    He attacks when you go to get eggs and what not, I've never even attempted to pick him up because of that.
  3. Prinette


    I've got a little rooster who is absolutely beautiful and I wanted to ask you guys if you knew of a particular breed and whatnot, but he is an absolute terror. He's a pain in the butt, but I have to find a way to handle him. Any suggestions?
  4. Prinette


    As soon as I got my guys out to the pool it started thundering. :l This is crap. They finally all got in the dang thing ( I have to put them in there, they refuse to use the ladder/board/ramp thing) and they were all bobbing around and diving then immediately got out. I never realized how much...
  5. Prinette


    Glad to know my girls are happy then! :)
  6. Prinette


    A male, as far as I know, can't muster up a quack. They are usually very very quiet. Females seem to have a strange little chatter that they do constantly that sounds like a quiet little honk, only quacking when excited.
  7. Prinette


    I had been thinking about re-homing one of my mallard drakes and I have officially decided against it. I took both of them in the house yesterday for the first time in about a month and they stopped being butts and snuggled and chilled out. Guess I'm going to have to find them some girlfriends...
  8. Prinette


    It's all good! He/she is doing just fine being the little turd that it is! :) They are about to have their first bath as soon as this storm goes over! They are currently alternating between standing on my computer, attacking my phone, and attempting to murder a little mouse toy they love to play...
  9. Prinette


    That or nose hairs! They also enjoy pecking at lips, eyebrows, and that one spot on my keyboard where key broke off and left the little nib thing. That's their favorite for sure. The smallest one also recently found out she was part mountain goat as I had a huge pile of blankets on my bed that...
  10. Prinette


    That's for sure. My Khaki trio was a group of calm little angels compared to these two! All they want to do is run in circles and shove their beaks in peoples noses. They have yet to grasp the concept that noses are not alternative food sources.
  11. Prinette


    Finally got a few pictures of the Runners. They never sit still! Taking a breather: Dramatic action shot:
  12. Prinette


    Duck owners how do you guys feel about clipping wings in mallards?
  13. Prinette


    *sigh* I went outside for a while to let the ducks free range for a bit and I'm pretty sure all my khakis quacked. I was so happy that I had two girls and one male and now it seems like I'm screwed on that front. :( I was so excited for them to have babies because they all had such great...
  14. Prinette


    At the moment the only breeding group I've got are two Khaki ducks and one drake.(I hope)
  15. Prinette


    I don't have any female mallards. Not a single one.Two males and no females. I also have a Black Indian Runner drake who needs a girl. So I don't know what to do with him. :(
  16. Prinette


    Welp, I am officially screwed on my duck to drake ratio. Two ducks and four drakes. Looks like I need to get ready to separate everybody next spring unless I somehow get a few mallard hens between then and now. If I separate them next spring when should I start to be sure that I get only pure...
  17. Prinette


    I'm thinking of setting traps for foxes earlier this year. Do you guys think it would be worth it? I know for a fact that they are in the area and we had a big problem with them last year. I'd really rather not kill them but if they snatch a single one of my pretty roosters again they will be...
  18. Prinette


    I do believe a festive hat is in order. On the subject of predators, how much trouble would I get in for killing a fox or bobcat?
  19. Prinette


    Oh my sweet lord these ducks are stinking adorable. The smallest one is a fiesty little rascal and the bigger one is a snuggler I'll get some pictures as soon as they warm back up in the brooder :D
  20. Prinette


    I'm still rooting for that last little ducky!
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