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  1. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    If you haven't already, try rearranging the stuff in the enclosure; add a dustbath, more stuff for them to play with, treats, etc. Sometimes that will work to distract from the new bird. Hopefully she starts being nice. If she continues you could try taking her out for a few days then add her...
  2. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    That's a cool mix, if he's a second or third generation with them all intermixing you should end up with really fun colors since you don't know what recessive or incomplete dominant colors might be hidden in his background.
  3. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    He looks like a golden, possibly Golden Manchurian. So you should get an interesting mix from him with your pharoah hens. Probably will end up with some Italians too.
  4. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Pretty rooster, hopefully he settles in quickly. :)
  5. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    They get used to the shoes pretty fast, unless they manage to remove them. Some chicks can be little houdinis.
  6. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Are you weighing them or just comparing visually? My eggs seem to range from 9-14 grams, and the 12-14 gram eggs usually look very similar. Supposedly the bigger eggs will allow bigger chicks to hatch and then will grow bigger since they started bigger.
  7. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    I think size might be a little easier to achieve than color, still learning though. I have been trying to only set bigger eggs, and the think it does make a difference. The newer birds I hatched seem much larger and their eggs are bigger for the most part than the birds I started with from eggs...
  8. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Playing with the genetics is fun. Sometimes colors hide for a few generations. I am trying to get a red pharoah, the feather striping is the exact same except the base is more of a red instead of brown. I don't have any red males so put a regular pharoah over a red hen and got a few red...
  9. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Aww, is he super dark almost black? Should be a Tibetan or dark brown. :) I'm trying to breed Tibetan tuxedos with white eyebrows. They are beautiful but don't like their pictures taken.
  10. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    If his tummy seems big like he still has a lot of yolk to absorb he will also probably be lethargic or sleepy longer than the others.
  11. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    If it seems like he has a residue or is really sticky you might need to give him a bath in warm water very carefully and then pat dry and put back in the incubator to fully dry. Other folks have had chicks that were sticky and it turned into a kind of crust on the chick. Keep an eye on it and do...
  12. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    6" is plenty tall, so must have squeezed out like you thought. Sometimes they zip a little early and still need to absorb a little. If possible, put the chick in a cup in the incubator where it can just sit there and absorb and not move around. Is the yolk far out of the navel or is it just not...
  13. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    I used strawberry baskets and that keeps coturnix chicks in, but button chicks can squeeze through. The issue I had with coturnix is they can climb out if the wall is not high enough. Does your basket have a lid?
  14. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Yay!!! Should have little buddies soon, he/she will be calling for the slow pokes to come out and play. Shell zip line looks good.
  15. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Sounds good to me :)
  16. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Some folks have had luck integrating mixed ages, using the playpen method and making sure the younger birds have a place to escape from the older if there's aggression. Some older birds act parental and look after the younger ones. Even just having the younger chick where they can watch the...
  17. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    I'm so sorry she didn't make it :hit At least she won't be alone, which would have been stressful to her. You will get it this next hatch and hatch a ton of babies.
  18. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Are you in CA? My eggs have had pretty good fertility
  19. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Power drill? Exacto knife for the window hole?
  20. Sara L

    Incubating and discouraged

    Maybe try getting a drop of water on your finger and tapping the tip of her beak with it?
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