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  1. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hello Everyone. I haven't been on since Winter! I hope everyone's summer is going well. We've dealt with some illness here, I think it was the wet cool Spring, for this area. Had a few losses, but not too bad considering no sickness in the 5 years I've had them. They responded well to the...
  2. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Congrats. He is photogenic already!
  3. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Yes that is more the size of what we had at the GH I worked at. Maybe one day I'll buy one from him and get some property to put it on!
  4. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    I worked for a locally owned Wholesale Greenhouse for 3 years. I shot my ideas for growing citris in this area to the owner with 40+ years experience. We surmised that you could safely go about 4 to 5 feet into the ground before you would lose too much light. With another 7 feet of GH above...
  5. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Wow, we didn't get any of that rain here yet. We have a small chance tonight and tomorrow. The cooler weather is welcome, time to get ready for FALL! Always been my favorite time of the year. We have watermelon and tomatos coming out the garden still and the pumpkins are looking AWESOME. I...
  6. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    So sorry to hear about Fluff. I am glad yo ugot some closer knowing what happened but that doesn't make it any easier. Sorry again.
  7. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    What do you use on them? I have been using Sevin and had good luck with small infestations, like a single broody. I am starting a good deep clean of my entire coop and pens....if the weather would cool off....a bit.
  8. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    I was telling my father about the peas. He grew up with them and has been amused that I have adopted this hobby! Both branches of my families raised poultryway back when.... It's always some type of Pre-chick-a-ment or another (heehe the geek in me can't resist a good pun once in awhile).
  9. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Lots of new babies for the Fall! @sharol So glad you found your bird unharmed. I lost my best broody a week ago, never found a sign of her other than one orphaned chick. @chicken danz Hope you get to feeling better soon. Not sure if it was allergies or a bug that took me out of work...
  10. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Well things are starting to, if not slow down, then at least settling into a routine here again. Getting stuff done around the house is still a struggle with the DH out of his dominate hand. He is able to grip some things now, but has a long way to go regaining strength after losing so much...
  11. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Pics don't do those colors justice! They are so striking! I am going to give your project boys a few days to settle in before I work on them. What sucks is as soon as they start to trust me I will most likely lose it after the precedure, oh well. They will be pampered babies afterwards! I'm...
  12. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    They truly are awesome birds. I wish I had taken some pics, but I was too busy oggling those colors! The saddles I've bought aren't made for Orps or Brahmas! They never seem to go far enough to the tail. If you make extra I would so buy some for my poor girls. My allergies have been...
  13. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    It was so nice to meet you today! I love your setup and your birds are amazing. Don't worry about the money, I'm certain I will see you again LOL I got the older boys settled in, they were a bit travel worn but were active and hungry! The Brahma babies are SO precious. I just can't wait to...
  14. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    I hear where you're coming from! I am not a fan of unnecessary anitbiotics or Gov. meddling. In this case though the bird flu is being trasmitted though migrating birds. A bird flu epidimic would be devestating for 'big chicken corp' and small breeders alike. 100% aggrement, and not just...
  15. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    It is SO hot already. The birds are free-ranging today so they will be in the best shadey spots around the yard, they love the locus saplings in back! I have two broody hens and really need some more chicks to fill an order in Oct. for capons, so I hope the ladies have better luck in this...
  16. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Happy Belated Birthday Danz. Sorry you didn't get your day off.
  17. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    I may have to try the cayenne thing, I've heard it also helps to deworm to some degree. I don't think we have an issue but better to prevent than not. Here's to hoping the reminder of our Summer is uneventful. First the car wreak, then Tues our new dog (got him in May) got hit in front of...
  18. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    LOL I'm sure you guys will be begging me to STOP posting pics of them!!! I am going to call Sandhill again on Thurs to see if they can give me a timeframe, I can't stand the wait
  19. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    Yay! I can't wait for some of those beauties! That is very like the Dumpy's short leg gene. 25% loss in shell when bred short to short. Most breed Long legged roo (long leg is any over 1 1/2") over short legged hens and vise verse. I find the whole thing fascinating, that coupled with the...
  20. TaraBellaBirds

    Consolidated Kansas

    I didn't realize you had Araucanas. I may have to pick your brain about the lethal gene traits! Are your Black Brahmas laying again?
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