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  1. Fentressfarmer


    and here is my first pullet egg!!
  2. Fentressfarmer


  3. Fentressfarmer


    Howdy all!!! Hope all is well I only have one more night of bailing hay left and I am so excited to be done and get back to talkin chicken! I got my first pullet eggs this past week!!! Woohooo! The girls are doing well despite the heat, I had a jumbo egg this past week from one of my older...
  4. Fentressfarmer


    Howdy everybody! Haven't been on in a while been busy down here in fentress it's hay bailing season so it's been long days for me! Luckily nothing to do tonight after work so I get to just go home to the family and relax, well there's things to do but I'm not gonna do anything but feed and...
  5. Fentressfarmer


    Howdy everyone, I haven't had time to check in in a while hope everybody is doing good! We have finally been getting some rain at my house! Thankyou god! The hayfield is starting to come up good and the sheep are loving it! All my ewes finally had lambs and the little chickens are still growing...
  6. Fentressfarmer


    If anybody is looking for bantams ideal has a emergency sale on straight runs for $1.25
  7. Fentressfarmer


    Ohhhh what a day!!! Thanks for all the nice comments about the boxes! Well I had to kick the guineas out of the pen today they red sexlinks are picking on them! Made one of them bleed. I already expanded their pen but they won't leave them alone!!!!!! Poor guineas don't know what to do they...
  8. Fentressfarmer


    well I'm happy to say Dad got the nest boxes built and we got them up Saturday. Hope everyone had a great weekend! :)
  9. Fentressfarmer


    Very nice!!
  10. Fentressfarmer


    Well I have a very sensitive nose so I want all the ventilation I can get and as we all know chicken poop can get very smelly on certain days so I like as much of a draft as I can get to help out. I've been in a few coops that could gag a maggot, but those weren't kept clean, I find it just...
  11. Fentressfarmer


    Well it's only open air on one side which is facing south for the summer breeze, but I'm planning on adding another section to the open side in the future to give them more room, but I was planning on leaving it open on that side. My other knotheads that free range won't even entertain the idea...
  12. Fentressfarmer


    here's a pic of my coop, it's not much but it looks like my grandparents coop from the old farm! It matches my old time farmer decorating motif! Lol! Which translates to that's the cheapest way I know how to do it!! :)
  13. Fentressfarmer


    I like to give them the grass clippings in their run cause it gives them something to do!! Lol!! But I think my wife would like it better if I would quit mowing the grass in sections!! You know those little chickies need a little fresh grass every other day or so!! ;) the yard looks kinda funny...
  14. Fentressfarmer


    All it takes from what I've found is good food a clean place to sleep, a little love and they do pretty good! Mine have a 16'x16' run they play in and a 12'x16' coop, and they don't get the run until I get home! But mine think grass clippings are the best thing in the world. I am going to expand...
  15. Fentressfarmer


    When I ordered from ideal all of my chicks arrived in good condition out of 65 chicks we only lost 4 and that was after about week two! So i say kudos to you for doing so well and keep up with whatever you are doing
  16. Fentressfarmer


    Good morning everybody, looks like we are gonna have a great day today!
  17. Fentressfarmer


    Oh what a week!!! I've had a bad one as most of y'all know how it started and it hasn't got a whole lot better! I am trying to stay positive but sometimes it's hard. Found this big fella in the coup yesterday and lost one of my EE's to him then today I got a jury summons in the mail!!! Aargh...
  18. Fentressfarmer


    Morning everybody! I wanted to say thankyou for all of the kind comments! The family is doing well and we are giving extra loving to our other two dogs. Thanks again
  19. Fentressfarmer


    Thanks everybody, I know it takes time, but knowing she's in a better place helps.
  20. Fentressfarmer


    Morning everyone, I hope y'all are all doing good! It's been a rough couple of days here, we lost our old dog Diabla. I had to take her to the vet yesterday and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. But I know she's chasing varmints in heaven now and isn't hurting anymore. Sorry to post bad...
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