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  1. luckyducky


    Hey all, Saffron is doing much better today. She ate applesauce ( fed by syringe, she wouldn't eat it in a dish) last night and this morning, plus I have been able to hand feed her water ( with aspirin ) by syringe. She looks much perkier than she has, I was kind of worried about her, but...
  2. luckyducky


    It was unusual for Cookie our dog to go after a chicken, but, I was trying to catch Saffron ( bedtime)and I had a bad hold on her and she was flapping her wings, trying to escape me, when suddenly he grabbed for her, he was being a dog, normally he totally ignores the chickens but, the heat of...
  3. luckyducky


    well, Saffron our chicken is still alive, but, she isn't eating I know she is traumatized, I just hope she pulls out of it. I was thinking last night, I could suture her neck together, ( just took my suture class 2 weeks ago, getting loads of practice!) but, I figured that would be even more...
  4. luckyducky


    You are correct, I should have posted this in chicken emergencies, thought I was, I am kind of shaken up, this just happened before I posted. I have mixed the baby aspirin with a couple cups of water, but, she isn't drinking ( no surprise there I guess). I have her in the bathroom and if she...
  5. luckyducky


    How much aspirin? I have baby aspirin only 80 mg .
  6. luckyducky


    Can someone please give me some advice? Our Dachshound attacked one of my buff orps. Her skin of her neck is torn off, exposing her ligaments and muscle, I am not sure if she will survive the night, but, is there anything I can do for her? PLease help!
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