
In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 10, 2008
Can someone please give me some advice? Our Dachshound attacked one of my buff orps. Her skin of her neck is torn off, exposing her ligaments and muscle, I am not sure if she will survive the night, but, is there anything I can do for her?
PLease help!
Clean the wound with saline solution, then smear on an antibiotic ointment such as neosporin.

Keep her in a dark warm place to prevent shock.

Make sure she has access to food, give some aspirin disolved in water for pain.
I can't remember right off, I think it was 1 regular aspirin per qt of water, but you'll need someone to verify that.

You'll get better responses faster if you post this in the emergencies/injuries section.
You are correct, I should have posted this in chicken emergencies, thought I was, I am kind of shaken up, this just happened before I posted.
I have mixed the baby aspirin with a couple cups of water, but, she isn't drinking ( no surprise there I guess). I have her in the bathroom and if she survives I guess she will be there until she heals, I have seen what chickens do to other chickens when they see blood.
This is our wildest chicken, not at all friendly, if she makes it, I am sure she will be much friendlier, considering the amount of hands on she will get.
I had a hen that got caught on a fence and tore the skin off of her neck, I was afraid I'd have to put her down, but treated her as I described above and the skin grew back and she is doing fine now.

Hope yours fares as well.
well, Saffron our chicken is still alive, but, she isn't eating

I know she is traumatized, I just hope she pulls out of it. I was thinking last night, I could suture her neck together, ( just took my suture class 2 weeks ago, getting loads of practice!) but, I figured that would be even more traumatic for her, and I know she can heal by secondary intention. Just wanted to let youall know, thanks for the help!!!

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