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  1. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Anton tried to support his leg as best he could as the truck lurched along on its way - he hoped the journey would not be too long. Kenny sat in the cab and peered out of the window. He wasn't that nervous now that he'd gotten over the shock of seeing himself dressed as a German - he had a...
  2. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny replied to Therese, "Ah yes. I'll try out some of those moves. Should make me look very, hmm, what‘s the word, credible." He paused for a second. “I was merely enquiring as to the situation in the great motherland (said with some degree of irony)and asking if the factories around...
  3. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    (lol, it's all good.) Kenny turned around again to face the other girl, who he hadn't yet met. "That might be a good idea," he said cordially. He turned to a hypothetical audience and tried something out. "Guten Morgen, Herr Schmidt!" he said, bowing like the English gentleman he'd been...
  4. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny was a little nervous about this sudden delegation of duty. He had never tried doing anything like this, which would obviously require nerve and quick thinking, which he thought he did have, and focus and concentration, which he probably didn't. (Though a man never knows whether he may just...
  5. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    (trainfullachickens: I did not know that. Interesting. That is a lot of numbers to remember :P) "Okay," Anton grinned. He was pleased that he would still be able to do something useful, despite his darned leg. Kenny replied to Dirk, "I'm from Berlin - you're almost right!" The apple had left...
  6. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    (:lol: Thanks for the tip. I like to learn random facts like that. :P And thanks for describing their injuries for me too. I wouldn't have been able to think up anything convincing for it, I know little about the body and its various components, lol.) Anton had his leg propped up on a wooden...
  7. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny watched the scene unfold with a mixture of fascination and sheer terror. Anton seemed to be enjoying himself. Anton had always been a secret pyromaniac. Kenny looked at the satchel in his hand. The truck was blazing and the flames were licking at the underside of the half-track, where he...
  8. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny and Anton were left alone behind the bush. "Brr, it's chilly out, isn't it?" Kenny said in the sudden silence. Anton didn't seem to react. He had an eye fixed on the alleyway the others had vanished into. They lapsed back into silence. Kenny wanted to ask if Anton had any snacks on him...
  9. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny looked around. "I'm not a bad shot," he said. "I suppose you'd have to take my word for it though, because I don't suppose this is a very good time for a demonstration." He examined the satchel from a distance. "How does this work? Would I need to do anything besides lob it under the...
  10. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Anton grinned but never averted his eyes from the road. "I like fireworks." It was the first English anyone had heard him speak since he arrived. It wasn't even that heavily accented. "Told you he was good," Kenny grumbled, before replying to the other man. "I like this plan. I think it'll...
  11. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    (Nice detail, I like it :P) Anton, narrowed eyes peering out from behind a large swathe of vegetation, periodically scanned the road, the park and the surrounding buildings for any sign of untoward movement. The Germans were not hard to spot, probably because they had no particular reason to...
  12. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Should we start? :lol: Kenny and Anton were hiding behind a bush in someone's front garden, incendiary devices in hand and the shiny new military vehicle parked down the road in mind.
  13. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Okay, yes. I know they're all going to be involved for the whole thing, but seeing as that's one of the initial steps (blowing up the vehicle) it probably has to happen before anything else can. So it might be a good starting point. :P If we can't catch each other online, should we do the attack...
  14. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Rats, I never seem to be able to catch you guys online :P Well seeing as Kenny's going to go set something on fire on his own, do you think I should just write that and you can continue from there, then we won't have to keep waiting for everyone to be on together?
  15. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny giggled. Oh dear, he really was starting to get hungry if he was giggling. "I'm Kenny Robinson," he said. "Sorry to have skipped the formalities earlier! You are... Dirk, is that right?" He vaguely remembered it rhyming with Kirk, which began with the same letter as his own name. Kenny...
  16. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny thought this sounded reasonably executable, even for someone with his unfortunate lack of any useful skills. :P He did have good aim, although it had been a while since he'd done any throwing - as a youngster he'd played games on the streets in Berlin with his friends, and they'd lobbed...
  17. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    OK, I was just wondering if we were going to set a military vehicle on fire as a distraction, where we would get the vehicle from. Would they just go for one parked on the street? I suppose I'm not so clear on the whole situation myself :P
  18. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    (I am glad to be back on my computer. Typing on mobile phone screens is just great, it seems the more I practise, the higher the frequency it is with which I accidentally hit the "Submit" button. :P I don't think the day will ever come when I am found to be using my mobile phone preferentially...
  19. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    Kenny was trying to make a list of all the main points in his head, but more often than not found himself distracted by something ridiculous, such as how he wouldn't mind an apple pie right about then. That, he thought hungrily, was the problem with thinking about things. The plan aside, he...
  20. Fierlin1182

    ~~~The European Freedom Fighters!~~~ A Shifted-Reality Second World-War Role-Play Thread!

    In response to your question about editing, I think it's a relatively new thing that's been introduced to the forum, so these days posts can't be edited indefinitely. It is a bit of a pain when it comes to character lists, perhaps you should see if any of the regular RPers have something else...
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