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  1. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Glad everything turned out well! And, some day ALL of it will make for some great Christmas stories!
  2. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Thanks! Although waking up at 3:30 might not seem like a good night's sleep, I got several hours of rest last night while trying to stay awake to watch Christmas movies. So, it all balances out :)
  3. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    I'm up now because the yowling cat woke up the dog who sleeps in the bed. She believes she must dig at the covers, like a rescue dog searching for a skier buried in snow, until she uncovers me. All the activity wakes up Dog No 2, and there's no sleeping then. Hope your older cat learns to...
  4. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    I am impressed with all of your planning and accommodation for everyone's dietary needs. I am also in awe of your ability to juggle so many visitors. My sister left this morning. She had been here since Tuesday afternoon. We do fine together, and she would be happy with peanut butter...
  5. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    I have tree wraps that look like the ones you used, although I spent more for mine by buying them from Stark Bros. I had great hope that they would protect my young trees. And they did, for a while. Last winter, there were a couple of deep snows that, when combined with endless prairie wind...
  6. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Congrats on raising kids with common sense and work ethics! The problem with my lists -- which are ponderously long and include many items similar to yours -- is that I find some of the same projects and goals listed for multiple years. Plus, I keep adding on to the darned things And, often...
  7. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    I've wondered a few times how you've been doing. Glad to hear you're sleeping better. Recently took my annual trip to northern Minnesota where I slept much better without my dogs (who like to get up really, really early0, the cat (who yowls incessantly most nights) and the singing of coyotes...
  8. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Congrats on: 1) survival!; and 2) successfully implementing the spoiler!
  9. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Sounds like you are in a tough place -- and you've had plenty of those already. And, it looks like you are still getting up -- or still being up -- plenty early. Is there anyone who can help you evaluate a mower's condition? Honestly, I am often reluctant to ask people who could help me to do...
  10. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Life is OFTEN overwhelming. But, sometimes, taking a step back and trying to put things in perspective helps. I have long been a fan of Max Ehrmann's "Desiderata." It's a prose poem, written in the 1920s, and I keep a framed copy for daily viewing. It offers practical advice for dealing with...
  11. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    When Jim and I used to travel, he loved to listen to public radio shows. Much as I like PBS TV, I found that listening to people talking, talking, talking and talking some more made me drift off. Fortunately, I was in the passenger's seat. The chanting and drums appeals to me. At one of the...
  12. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    My basic non-sleeping rule is: If I'm still awake after an hour, give up and get up. So, here I am. None of my getting-back-to-sleep tricks worked. I found my brain wandering from trying to remember the fourth item I bought at Target yesterday (it was a bottle of Hint clementine water) to...
  13. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    No apology needed or expected! And, today is a good day, although I suspect I will fall asleep during Wheel of Fortune -- which airs at 6:30 here. Of course, I set an alarm by the sofa so I can go put the poultry to bed before dark. Sorry to hear about your disappointing insurance company...
  14. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    @Ursuline Chick, I will check with my friend from the Villa and ask him if I've met those folks at one of his events 🤔 . I "overslept" this morning after a fitful night on the sofa. Severe storms with the possibility of hail were predicted as possibilities until 4 a.m., which meant I couldn't...
  15. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    The names don't ring a bell -- but you are dealing with someone who sometimes forgets to eat lunch. I might recognize them in person, however.
  16. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    A very good friend of ours was the director of the Villa Louis in Prairie du Chien, WI. We always attended the War of 1812 battle re-enactment there. We MAY know some folks in common. Your post reminds me of some very good times around camp fires. Thank you. Also, thanks to you, I Googled to...
  17. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    I've never tried audio books to get back to sleep; I usually listen to MLB Network because -- as we've discussed before -- I will ALWAYS fall asleep when I want to know how a show (or game) ends. Some years ago, the VA got Jim a pillow that can be programmed to play various "white" sounds --...
  18. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    Thanks, @Ursiline Chick, for your suggestions; all are good, and I appreciate them. Some, I am already doing -- or at least thinking about. I am using funds from selling some of Jim's stuff to pay for a memorial service to honor him this summer. Jim introduced me to historic re-enacting, and at...
  19. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    It is so hard to figure out the right answer. Jim has been gone for more than 8 months, and I feel as if I've only touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sorting and redistributing his stuff. And, I don't have to deal with any of his relatives. The stuff is here, it's mine. I wish I...
  20. Callender Girl

    Welcome to the night shift

    While I was and am extremely grateful for Medicaid in Iowa, I had a lot of freedom in choosing providers, the system wasn't without some problems. For example, I had dental coverage, but the dentists kept dropping Medicaid recipients, so I needed to have three different providers in one year...
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