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  1. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    Quote: I feel for you!!! The first tax return I filed after my divorce was taken by the IRS and half of the following year, because my ex had signed my name to his return and owed taxes. I fought it tooth and nail but never saw a dime.
  2. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    Mine was accepted 1/26, I got a message saying I would get a direct deposit on the 8th, then it was switched to the 15th. I am not surprised with anything anymore. eta Just checked status............... I am shutting up. Not only am I getting it Fri, but it is MORE than I thought.
  3. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    Quote: As much taxes as we paid in they shouldn't be. Unfortunately all your income tax dollars go to pay the interest on the gov. loans from the fed.
  4. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    Maybe it is just what they are telling us, and they are broke.
  5. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    You might want to check the status of that. I was suppost to get mine today. I don't get it till next week now.
  6. Damummis

    Tax refund delay

    Anyone else getting a delayed refund? Apparently the IRS is scrambling to change the computer programs to the new tax break standards and millions of tax refunds are delayed.
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