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  1. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: MAN!!! Now I REALLY want some, too bad both of the incubators are being used for silkies, and an assortment of others(one mine, other Ag teachers)... I have 2 incubators and another one on the way. I have two chicken eggs hatching on Monday, then 9 more the 28th...
  2. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Two more buttons hatched last night. The 3rd has about 1/2 zipped. Hopefully he'll hatch today sometime. MAN!!! Now I REALLY want some, too bad both of the incubators are being used for silkies, and an assortment of others(one mine, other Ag teachers)...
  3. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Quote: I checked park and game, it's only the native ones that you need a license for, so does any one have eggs??.... for future refrance. I have some that sold on ebay but the buyer can't pay for a few days. They are $15 including shipping, I have 26 eggs to send. Thats alot of buttons:D
  4. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: They will come in a small box, they will be in your mailbox. You have to let them sit at room 'temp for around 6-8 hours before setting them in the 'bator. Thanks Can't wait to get some buttons!
  5. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    I've never had eggs shipped to me, is there anything special I need to know, or will they show up in the mail box?
  6. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Quote: Thanks, I think, I'll talk to my ag teacher probably wensday and I'll let you know by next weekend. Sound good?
  7. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Quote: For button quail, they are TINY, very finch like. They do great in parakeet style aviary cages with no wire bottoms (bad for feet), or hamster cages. They are known as bottom feeders for finches, doves, parakeets but still need a diet of their own. No license needed to own these...
  8. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Quote: For button quail, they are TINY, very finch like. They do great in parakeet style aviary cages with no wire bottoms (bad for feet), or hamster cages. They are known as bottom feeders for finches, doves, parakeets but still need a diet of their own. No license needed to own these...
  9. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    About my earlier post.... I can also have them housed inside if needed.
  10. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    I understand, I still have 2 weeks to make a decision, but( just asking) what would be your prices OR suggestions on other people on the hatching eggs, juviniles, or anything like that. And I do like this bird, and my mum will like them to, if I get them, but they are as cute as "buttons". P.S...
  11. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Quote: Thanks for the info, and I would be glad to do my part in helping the breed survive.... Now, only where to find some......
  12. Delta3013

    My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

    Mrs. FluffyPuffy.... I'm new to quail, me and my ag teach are going to raise some corturnix, but I was wanting to have some personal ones, and I just love Buddy... What breed is he???
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