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  1. Fur-N-Fowl


    So...I somehow managed to hatch a bowl of cornflakes :confused: The seven in the bowl were the first to hatch, the two below took longer! Now to decide which to keep as growouts... I have to decide within one week as someone already wants to buy them.
  2. Fur-N-Fowl


    I was at work so my mam sent me a photo of it! So, it was the first to pip but last to hatch. It managed to unzip around the egg but couldn't push itself out and was starting to get tired and give up. My Mam intervened for me since I wasn't there and got the little Quail out! From the photo...
  3. Fur-N-Fowl


    Thankyou! I eventually got home to find out that 'brown' chick is actually white! It just hatched very dark and isn't the super bright yellow my Mam expected. Phew...panic over :gig So far 3 white silkies have hatched and all of the remaining are beginning to zip. The quail was the first to...
  4. Fur-N-Fowl


    She took some better photos for me! So...the brown one looks strange in colour but it's probably just on the photo it looks like that. I really want to see this chick to see what colour it actually is :lau partridge or gold/white mix hmm...
  5. Fur-N-Fowl


    This morning 5 eggs had pipped but I had to leave for work :barnie My Mam is keeping me updated and apparently there is 2 chicks out now, one white and one 'brown'... Looks like I mixed up one egg. It's either from a partridge or gold but I can't tell from photos I've been sent. I'll have a...
  6. Fur-N-Fowl


    Oh nice, I don't think I've ever seen them before! I'm glad the chick is alright though and doing well :)
  7. Fur-N-Fowl


    They're adorable!
  8. Fur-N-Fowl


    I'm in the UK :) Yep, one Quail egg! They're English White Coturnix. It's just started pipping now and I think it'll hatch before the Silkies. I set them 3 days after the Silkie eggs so that they'd hatch the same day. My main incubation was for the Silkie eggs I just added in the Quail ones as...
  9. Fur-N-Fowl


    They're from my show quality flock. Of course, there is still chicks that hatch which don't meet the standards but the majority turn out really nice quality. My whites and partridges are the best quality where as I'm going to breed my blues and golds to my white rooster to give me some mixed...
  10. Fur-N-Fowl


    There was 10 Silkies and 2 Quail eggs! After the first candling I had to throw 2 out that developed a blood ring, quite possibly due to my rough handling of them since they were the last two to be laid before incubating them. I also had to remove one Quail egg that kept getting stuck and not...
  11. Fur-N-Fowl


    One egg has pipped! :woot
  12. Fur-N-Fowl


    Ahh my eggs are moving! One day to go until hatchday :celebrate
  13. Fur-N-Fowl


    Just checked my Silkie eggs in my incubator and 8 out of 10 were still alive and kicking! 2 of them had started developing but one had a blood ring and the other was just two separated tiny black dots. Definitely not as developed as the others. I also checked the 2 quail eggs and one seems...
  14. Fur-N-Fowl


    A little change of plan with my eggs! Today my pure white laid another egg so I made the decision to take out the gold x white egg and replace it with that pure white egg. I always feel bad for making those decisions even though there was no development yet :hit Nevermind, I'll get over it...
  15. Fur-N-Fowl


    Tonight i'm putting 9 of my pure white bantam Silkie eggs in my incubator and 1 gold x white egg. My whites are in higher demand than any other colours. Then on Sunday I'll be opening the incubator back up and putting some Quail eggs in with them. As for how many I'm not sure yet. Getting...
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