Heyoo everybody, I will be setting 6 blue laced red wyandotte and I think 8 serama eggs probably on this comin Friday, August 16th. Due to hatch on September 6th. After that, ill probably buy more eggs from eBay or set some of my own, just for the love of hatching :gig. I want to know what YOU are going to hatch this comin month! :caf:wee:ya:clap:highfive::pop:love
I just set 10 BO eggs in the incubator on Saturday. My first time, so I have no idea if I'll ever see a single chick out of it. :oops:
I have eggs in my egg turner waiting for an incubator to be cleaned and serviced, likely tonight or tomorrow I will be starting the hatching process for my first hatch in September. I will likely have a 2nd one in September also because I am currently looking at a hatch around labor day.

Awesome, what breeds, are they your meat-crosses?

I’m going to be setting a bunch of silkies in crazy colors as well as a few other breeds I haven’t thought of yet.

I think BO stands for buff Orpington. But I could be wrong.

Sounds like a fun hatch, I love silkies, and oooh, thanks for reminding me what it means, I always forget those abbreviations.
No intentional meat crosses because the Red Rangers are molting. I will have Naked Necks that will 1/4 Red Ranger. I will eat any male culls but its a step towards another meat bird cross later down the line. I will have Dark Cornish I got off of eBay but picked up in person, and yes I will eat the weaker males. I have Golden Phoenix because all my females died and I have a Rooster who is lonely. I got those from the same guy I bought eBay eggs from. I didn't pay through eBay though since I met him in person I figured I would ask about the other eggs he sells. I have Blue/Splash/Black Ameracuna(sp) I got off of Craigslist. I will be using them to tinker around with crosses to make different egg colors. From my own birds, I will hatch out a few Seramas to see if they are fertile. Having issues with that breed but since they eat so little I can afford the problems. I will be hatching out some Ayam Cemanis. Out of all the breeds I had saved eggs for this hatch I choose to hatch out Cemanis and Seramas now because they do not lay in winter. The other breeds I rejected this time around due to lack of space were mostly winter layers and I have all winter to hatch those out.
Oh wow! How exciting, what incubator are u using? Also, I can't seem to remember which breed BO stands for, what breed is that?
BO = Buff Orpington. They are my favorite hens, so sweet and lay nice big eggs. And they don't fly! The incubator is called the Little Giant. It's a styro type, and definitely not my first choice, but all I could get in a day's notice. This wasn't something I planned. I had a broody hen and thought I'd give her the opportunity to hatch out some babies, so I ordered some, since I don't have a rooster. Then she decided she wasn't broody anymore. Probably my fault because I kept taking her unfertilized eggs. :he So eggs arrived and I needed to do something. :barnie Now I am learning as I go and hope for lots of help from my friends here on BYC! It will be fun hatching together! :wee:ya
BO = Buff Orpington. They are my favorite hens, so sweet and lay nice big eggs. And they don't fly! The incubator is called the Little Giant. It's a styro type, and definitely not my first choice, but all I could get in a day's notice. This wasn't something I planned. I had a broody hen and thought I'd give her the opportunity to hatch out some babies, so I ordered some, since I don't have a rooster. Then she decided she wasn't broody anymore. Probably my fault because I kept taking her unfertilized eggs. :he So eggs arrived and I needed to do something. :barnie Now I am learning as I go and hope for lots of help from my friends here on BYC! It will be fun hatching together! :wee:ya

My incubator is a Little Giant styrofoam one also. It's been good to me so far. I'm not going to be hatching any egg's for Sept. I'll be taking a break, and watching what my Aug. hatch grow-out's turn out to be.

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