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  1. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    YEA! Hoping your Christmas babies have a healthy hatch!:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
  2. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    :fl Good luck! It sounds like you got this!:woot:pop:pop:pop
  3. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    To add on: I should note that we've assisted six chicks out this fall, total, that have shrinkwrapped (see Sally Sunshine's EGGCELLENT Assisted Hatching article - absolutely invaluable). Incubator hatching is an artificial, NOT a natural, environment, so to my way of thinking, a chick that might...
  4. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    We have had horrible problems with shrink wrap this fall, but some of that is probably breed-dependent (ODs are notoriously hard to hatch by incubator), and a LOT of it is probably regional climate. We're really dry where I live, so we probably have a lot more shrinkwrap issues than folks in the...
  5. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    That's easy: keep your favorites, and use the rest to lure a currently chicken-less friend over to the dark side. You know - chicken math, hatchaholics anonymous, etc.
  6. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    So cute! I love seeing broodies with their little ones. I'm guessing that you are going to try to sneak any that hatch from the incubator under the brooty?
  7. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    Actually, they're all the same breed, Olandsk Dwarf. The chicks come in two color patterns, either the blond with random brown spots on the head and/or back, or the chipmunk pattern (both sharp and blurred). These chicks are from several different hens (purchased eggs), but I've had both...
  8. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

  9. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    I usually only hatch enough each year to add a couple of layers and find homes for the cockerels (there's usually only one or two, since I usually hatch only 4-6 eggs). Sometimes I'm successful getting people to take the cockerels as half of a breeding pair if I have enough pullets to spare...
  10. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    Hope springs! Five pips when I got home tonight!:wee
  11. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    I'm heartbroken tonight: I discovered when I checked the incubator this evening that it had not been heating all day. Apparently when I stopped the turner this morning, I didn't save the new setting correctly (new incubator), so the entire thing has been off for 12-14 hours. I got it going...
  12. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    On their sides, all the way thru.
  13. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    I just candled, too! Our expected hatch date is the 12th, so this was Day 14. We pulled one that looked like it was an early quitters, and the eggtopsy showed it stopped around Day 7. The other 18 (all Olandsk Dwarf) look like they are coming along, except the air cells are worryingly small -...
  14. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    It's 56 here today, 60 yesterday. We've had one 29 degree night so far this fall, but we had well over a week's warning for that, we'll only have a handful of freezes during winter here, and other nights have been 43 or higher. The brooder plate has done fine for the littles at all those temps...
  15. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    Any updates?
  16. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    WOW - those colors sound AMAZING! Hope you can share some pics later!:love
  17. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    Just did the 7 day candle: 5 blood rings, 13 clears, 19 developing :celebrate...not bad when half the eggs were 11-21 days old when set. Put all seven of the good ones from the old FI incubator in the new Brinsea, replacing the clears and blood rings (7 total! Funny how that worked out:cool:)...
  18. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    In other news, I just set a whole bunch of OD eggs this evening. My source kindly gave me, in addition to the 18 I had requested, another 19 that are 2-3 weeks old - long shots, I know, but we might get lucky. I had to fire up a second incubator since I wasn't expecting that many and only have...
  19. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    I think that would technically put you in a January hatch-along, but I don't think it really matters.
  20. Kat MacK

    December hatch-along?

    Olandsk Dwarf.
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