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  1. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Exciting! Good to have them home, isn't it? It's great that he's into fish. It doesn't always work out like that. :) Regards, Leaf
  2. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Good luck with that! They aren't very long-lived creatures... Now why can't your son take the fish with him? Hopefully not enough time to feed and clean with all the studying he'll be doing... Where's he going for college? Regards, Leaf
  3. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    If you're trying to feed him I'd give bloodworms a try. Sometimes Bettas take to live food better, so you can order live bloodworms or brine shrimp. (Sort of like sea monkeys). What are you currently attempting to feed him? Regards, Leaf
  4. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Thank you Shelly, unfortunately I can't take on more fish right now, but I would be happy to wait for summer and possibly order a female from one of your hatches or one of your existing fish. I don't mind color-wise, she wouldn't be for breeding. Thank you for keeping me in mind! You may want to...
  5. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Koi are notoriously hard to breed for many novices. They require the right temperature and environment even to start breeding. I don't breed, so I can't help very much, but if you want to make money off of them, I'd recommend talking to a fish club near you. Some breeders can also help you get...
  6. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Well, I'm not sure how I got talked into this one. Pond guy texted me a few days ago and asks if we could temporarily house five small koi in our koi pond until he finishes a permanent setup for them. I said yes, but I'm a bit worried about disease and overcrowding as the pond is less than 2000...
  7. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    No sunfish yet, but I had a nice breeder Molly drop some fry. We'll see how this all goes with the sunnies. Regards, Leaf
  8. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Lost a tetra I was wondering if I should cull anyway. The other fish are doing fine and I got the lotus plants installed but am still waiting on my cat tails and sunfish. If I'd known it would take this long I could've caught some myself, not spent so much ordering them. The wait is starting to...
  9. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    I'm looking to sell some of my goldfish to pay for a few nice sized sunfish. With the reeds I'm having installed this year I'm wondering if my goldfish may start breeding. The new sunfish supposedly breed prolifically and like to nest in sand, which I have plenty of. I'm also keeping an eye out...
  10. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Cleaned the Bettas' tanks this morning. I think I'm going to splurge for a nice tank setup for the Bettas, maybe one of those where the three tanks are connected. Anyone have those? They are doing well in their large bowls, but I'd prefer a few nice tanks. :/ Regards, Leaf
  11. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Not sure about the prazipro, but I just have to say...please separate the Bettas if they are injuring each other. Even females will usually not get along. We just want the best for your Bettas. If one is removed, they will move on to each other. It's not fair to them. Regards, Leaf
  12. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Was Cleo beat up by a male? If so, I would suggest keeping the Bettas separate unless you are either breeding them or adding the female so she can drop her eggs into the males bubble nest. They are solitary fish and will kill each othe, regardless of the strength/size of the female. Regards, Leaf
  13. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    I'd suggest one per every 500 gallons at least, which is about my standard. Regards, Leaf
  14. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    I'm still waiting on my sunfish (apparently they are wild caught and are currently being collected). It would have been nice to know before I ordered, but it worked out. Getting some miniature cat tails for the koi pond and some lotus plants to replace the scrappy lily pads I'd been having...
  15. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    I meant in a pond void of other fish, sorry if I wasn't clear. Regards, Leaf
  16. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    I'm hoping to order a couple large fish for an about 1,500 gal pond. I was thinking catfish but would like to them to be able to coexist with a few nice sized goldfish and not be too seclusive. I originally wanted to start with a few large mouth bass, knowing that they are highly predatory fish...
  17. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Mosquitoes prefer calm water. Like Coursair said, a fountain, bubbler, or even small waterfall feature will reduce the likelihood of mosquito's laying eggs on the surface. You can also buy some mosquito fish or even small guppies/minnows to help with the problem. Regards, Leaf
  18. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    It wasn't great, but the Bettas are fine. Still no sunfish but hoping for them soon. Currently planning to spend more time on the garden and pond though it's hard working on building a new pen for our next batch of quail. I would like to add another tank for frogs and such. We shall see...
  19. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Several goldfish, rosy minnows, and tried to eat three bettas. Not fun. Regards, Leaf
  20. LeafBlade12345

    Keeping Fish

    Welcome to the thread! Sorry you lost your fish. Koi will eat other fish as I unfortunately had to learn first hand. Regards, Leaf
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