Keeping Fish

How do you keep mosquitos out from your koi pond? The females here always come and lay eggs, and they survive because the koi don't like eating them (yay?).

Mosquitoes prefer calm water. Like Coursair said, a fountain, bubbler, or even small waterfall feature will reduce the likelihood of mosquito's laying eggs on the surface. You can also buy some mosquito fish or even small guppies/minnows to help with the problem.

I'm hoping to order a couple large fish for an about 1,500 gal pond. I was thinking catfish but would like to them to be able to coexist with a few nice sized goldfish and not be too seclusive. I originally wanted to start with a few large mouth bass, knowing that they are highly predatory fish, and would love to pick up a few from a nearby lake. Does anyone keep bass? How do they do in a relatively small pond? I wouldn't necessarily be raising them for slaughter but most probably wouldn't keep them past about seven inches long. I'd also like to raise about six each season to release into the lake I fish at to help add to the large fish population. Thoughts?

I'm still waiting on my sunfish (apparently they are wild caught and are currently being collected). It would have been nice to know before I ordered, but it worked out. Getting some miniature cat tails for the koi pond and some lotus plants to replace the scrappy lily pads I'd been having installed every year. The koi are relatively destructive, so the lilies had been pretty torn up. Hopefully the lotus will do a little better. :/


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