Keeping Fish

Hey y'all, it's been a while
It took a while for the prazipro to arrive, good thing the fish waited. I'm gonna treat the entire tank as a precaution; can I just add it to the tank and wait for it to do it's magic, or will that not work out?
Poor Cleo is all beat up, I'll have to rehome her and find a bigger, stronger female to fill in her place. I also got two gorgeous hmpk males, one turquoise dragon butterfly and one marble dragon. They managed to access one another and ripped their fins a bit(not taking away from their beauty at all!) so I put a cover on their breeder box. Can't believe the Petco got a hold of such high quality looking bettas, unfortunately it's not my local store.Maybe it was just my timing
Hey y'all, it's been a while:)  It took a while for the prazipro to arrive, good thing the fish waited. I'm gonna treat the entire tank as a precaution; can I just add it to the tank and wait for it to do it's magic, or will that not work out?
Poor Cleo is all beat up, I'll have to rehome her and find a bigger, stronger female to fill in her place. I also got two gorgeous hmpk males, one turquoise dragon butterfly and one marble dragon. They managed to access one another and ripped their fins a bit(not taking away from their beauty at all!) so I put a cover on their breeder box. Can't believe the Petco got a hold of such high quality looking bettas, unfortunately it's not my local store.Maybe it was just my timing

Was Cleo beat up by a male? If so, I would suggest keeping the Bettas separate unless you are either breeding them or adding the female so she can drop her eggs into the males bubble nest. They are solitary fish and will kill each othe, regardless of the strength/size of the female.

It's the other females. They're bigger and more aggressive, but can handle one another. Little Cleo is in a treatment cup.
Anyone have any suggestions for the prazipro?
It's the other females. They're bigger and more aggressive, but can handle one another. Little Cleo is in a treatment cup.
Anyone have any suggestions for the prazipro?

Not sure about the prazipro, but I just have to say...please separate the Bettas if they are injuring each other. Even females will usually not get along. We just want the best for your Bettas. If one is removed, they will move on to each other. It's not fair to them.

Cleaned the Bettas' tanks this morning. I think I'm going to splurge for a nice tank setup for the Bettas, maybe one of those where the three tanks are connected. Anyone have those? They are doing well in their large bowls, but I'd prefer a few nice tanks. :/

That's why I said I needed to get another female quick, so the sorority can be balanced. My girls are big bodied so I can't get another small female like Cleo(she's just naturally small).They aren't missing any of their fins, but Cleo got all the damage.
I'm going to add the prazipro to the tank directly, I just need to see if my filter has activated carbon or whatnot in it...
I'm looking to sell some of my goldfish to pay for a few nice sized sunfish. With the reeds I'm having installed this year I'm wondering if my goldfish may start breeding. The new sunfish supposedly breed prolifically and like to nest in sand, which I have plenty of. I'm also keeping an eye out for some nice barrels to fill with water and some plants. I may add some guppies or mosquitofish to keep mosquitos off the surface since I don't want to pay to install a bubbler in a barrel. Does anyone keep "pond barrels?" I would let the algae and such grow and have the fish mostly for mosquito control. Thoughts?

Lost a tetra I was wondering if I should cull anyway. The other fish are doing fine and I got the lotus plants installed but am still waiting on my cat tails and sunfish. If I'd known it would take this long I could've caught some myself, not spent so much ordering them. The wait is starting to get to me...

I lost poor Monroe last night T-T His few-day symptoms led me to conclude that it was a bacterial infection, but I haven't the slightest clue as to what brought it on. I'm worried for my other fish, even though they're all active and healthy looking. Cleo passed after the attack, and Anna isn't looking good. He's isolated for now, until I can figure it out. Slight SBD, has his appetite and swims around okay.

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