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  1. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I don't doubt that too be true. As a scientist, I think it would be an interesting experiement however. Of course, I end to think nature has it worked out, so if a hen turns her eggs everytime she wiggles and moves her feet, its hard to imagine success without turning.
  2. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I've never attemte no turn hatch. I think if you turned for the first week, then only turned once a day, it would work. It might be fun to try it out with a control group. Maybe I'll take out the center turners and only leave the ends. Put eggs in the ends, and then in the center have some I...
  3. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I fianlly moved mine to my only walk in closet. Now, since the temperature hardly varies, and there are no drafts or windows, mine only requires very minor adjustments. OH, and having more eggs helps, even just a dozen none feriles help steady temps.
  4. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    Yeah, I understand. When you put in eggs, you have to walk away for 12 hours, becasue in an hours the temp is dropped, and you want to up it, but the eggs aren't too temp yet. Drives me nuts too. Thats why I ordered and hatched silkies, so they can start to do this for me. You will be there...
  5. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    When I use a fan, the air is circulated much differently, and the still air levels, some of which are very warm, get circulated suddenly. I have switched mine on mid way before, and temps rise. I just lifted the lid and fanned it up and down a few times, and put it back. Then I turned...
  6. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I assume you are using a still air, since your aiming for 101*? I use a fan, otherwise they can be hard to control. I've done the in carten hatches, just moving stuff from end to end for "turning". Remember, you want the average to be about 101, so I'd turn it up minutely. If it goes back...
  7. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I like thermostats, if they work. I have fans in my hovas and my LG, but one of the hovas is a still air, for hatching. Too much air can maybe cause trouble with shrink wrap. You should just build one. There are several excellent plans. Mine 3's are just little cheapos, but since I have...
  8. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    Fantastic4 - just make sure there is airflow top to bottem. Must have a couple holes drilled in each. I have 3 bators, and it isn't enough yet. I also have some little $3 homemades that make good early dry outs (pre-brooder) and not bad hatchers and bators, really. Its from a doller store...
  9. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I loved your idea! If you hadn't posted it, I'd still be pulling my hair out over fine adjustments. Your idea totally made using the incubator possible! I've used your idea, and I also use the spong idea (for humidity control). Thanks so much for having posted your great idea.
  10. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    It is. I've sort of used the idea of the milk jug lid to attach to controller and make fine adjustments, but I varied it in a note worthy way. Instead of the milk jug lid, I found a piece of clear plastic, cut it the size of a quarter (used one as template) and then hot melted its center to...
  11. Marty1876

    Little Giant Incubator Tricks

    I just bought an LG this morning, when I found out my special hovabater (ordered 10 days ago) would be another week before shipping. I just cancelled that order and bought an LG with a fan. I have found my mason jars I'll be needing for humidity, and I'll buy some sponges, or use towel strips...
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