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  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    A couple of years ago, i had a project in Oklahoma City and on the weekend i decided to follow I35 north to Wichita and all i saw on the way was corn…
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Isn't Kansas the state where corn is grown on every square-inch, leaving not much room to keep some chickens?
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Yes, but you're in Kansas! - There's only corn in Kansas, so eggs are of course very expensive! :lau
  4. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Update us how much you actually can sell them eggs for. I can sell a dozen for $4 privately, but when i sell to the supermarket, i have to go down to $2.75 😟
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    I can distinguish between a duck and a chicken egg, but only in direct comparison. To be honest, comparing eggs from tortured, malnourished chickens with eggs from healthy, happy free ranging ducks is not fair: I had the chance to try eggs from my neighbors chickens, also happy free ranging hens...
  6. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Thank you very much for the reminder! - I need to speak to the Asian-market store here in Charleston asap.
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    My wife tried. With the old egg-cooker. It held seven eggs…
  8. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    You mean i have a bad influence on you? - You're damn right! :gig
  9. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Of course! Have you ever tried without the hole? - Don't! It is a terrible mess…
  10. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    I am trying to sell that damn Microwave Oven for just $15! It is working fine, just the paint has chipped off inside at the door. - And it has the wrong color: The Missus wanted a red one… :oops: At leas i was able to sell those cooking plates for $5. Also working fine but when we use them on...
  11. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    :yuckyuck That's what i needed! :lau :gig:gig :hugs
  12. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    We have this awesome device but still if the eggs are less than a week old we can't peel'em clean. We keep the eggs non refrigerated in our basement where it is in the 40's year round.
  13. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Seriously: Have you ever boiled a fresh duck egg and tried to peel it? You'll end up with something that looks like a golf ball, in the best case.
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Many are! - But those two nuts were just plain evil and destructive.
  15. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Weirdest Day ever to sell Duck Eggs!!! Had a melt-down earlier when i told my wife today's story… So i was sitting there in that parking lot, being slowly cooked into pulled-pork, when two older Ladies approached my stand: »Soooo, these are duck eggs?« (pointing to the cartons on my table. »No...
  16. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    I sell only eggs 2+ weeks old. Had a customer complaining that the eggs were so difficult to peel...
  17. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Shipping cost way more than the eggs... :lau
  18. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    Here we go again, this week I got a much better spot And I did some improvements to my stand
  19. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    I just can't stand any fishy smell, it makes my stomach cramp. My mom used to fry fresh water fish in butter and the smell was overwhelming...
  20. WannaBeHillBilly

    Another attempt to sell duck-eggs

    I wish i could have been there - even though i don't eat any sea-food. There will be a project in the area sooner or later, i'm sure…
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