Here in southern Chile I tell people that some eggs are fertilized and that if they incubate I will press charges for theft of property! enserio- soon we ill have mobile hen houses with 100 or so hens only so this will not be a thing for us next year!
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I sell only eggs 2+ weeks old. Had a customer complaining that the eggs were so difficult to peel...
Weirdest Day ever to sell Duck Eggs!!!

Had a melt-down earlier when i told my wife today's story…

So i was sitting there in that parking lot, being slowly cooked into pulled-pork, when two older Ladies approached my stand:
»Soooo, these are duck eggs?« (pointing to the cartons on my table.
»No ma'm these are just empty boxes, the eggs are here in the cooler.«
»Are those eggs fertile?« (Oh no, not again that discussion!!!)
»I don't know for sure Ma'm, my drakes have been really busy recently…«
(Raising her voice to a dissonance scream) »Everybody! This guy is selling little duck babies for you to eat! Don't buy from him! We shouldn't eat our animal friends! Eat vegetables instead!« (Oh no! Aggressive Vegetarians, great! That'll ruin the day.)
[Disclaimer: I don't have any problems with Vegetarians, in fact some of my beloved colleagues are strict vegetarians and i enjoy their company during lunch or dinner in a vegetarian restaurant.]
Me: »Excuse me Ladies…«
»Shut up you baby animal murderer!!!«
They both went off to the parking lot entrance and i could see them talking viciously to people, pointing into my direction. - My neighbor told me: »That's it, you can probably pack up and leave.« To which i answered: »And grant them a victory? - NEVER!«

So i stayed until the heat became unbearablem around 12:30 but I have not sold a single duck egg today! - Thank's Ladies!

A while later similar screaming at the stand where a young couple tried to sell their chicken eggs… - Before i left i spoke with them and the same result: Zero sales!

What's wrong with these people? - I like duck eggs better than chicken eggs, but i respect if somebody else has a different opinion and i don't try to mission people to abandon chicken eggs… - Well in fact i do
, but that doesn't include running into the Kroger, dragging the store manager out to the parking lot and calling her a "baby chicken killer".
I won't forget the disapproving looks of all the kids walking past my stand today… :(
There is a secret. Get a steamer off Amazon for less than $20. Poke a pinhole in the egg with an egg piercer. Steam and even eggs laid yesterday usually, not always peel right out. I love my Dash egg steamer. Buy one! Why do you have a microwave on your duck egg stand? And just lie, my drake shoots blanks.

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