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  1. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    I'm glad to hear there is no infection. That's a good prognosis! I hope everything corrects itself and gets back on track.
  2. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Maybe I should try fermented feed. I'm allergic to most things. Right now if I'm exposed and ingest too much of a trigger, (Tomato Juice was the last major trigger) I experience inflammation and puffiness on my hands arms and lips and then the skin cracks open in several spots. *sigh* Very...
  3. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    *IMPORTANT - After considering what I wrote above, I'd like to make a strong note that no one should go out and spray their chicken or chickens with red cote if you are not familiar with how they'll react. That's like putting a "kick me" sign on someone, except in the case of chickens it's a...
  4. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Now that I've been thinking about it, I believe I red coted his underside where the irritation was and left it. Because he was all red and I got him twice with red cote on his legs, once before dusting and once after. I bathed him when there was no improvement with the red cote. (red cote is...
  5. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    I had a rooster with his whole underside like that. I didn't see anything. I gave him a bath which made no difference. (I thought perhaps irritation to something) And then I dusted him and red coted his legs late fall. I don't remember what the outcome was. I will nab him and check when I go out.
  6. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Hmmmm...ok. Thank you for that information. I couldn't find castor oil at our Walmarts, and they don't list it online other than being in facials or bikini waxes. The bottle I bought at a drugstore chain was 100ml for $5. Darn.
  7. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    If it was THAT would be funny!!! (Yes, I just went there.)
  8. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Adding: Variety of tweezers (can't replace bowels without 'em) Cooking spray - not tested on leg mites "yet" but will be in the future For those who are using castor you have a good source for it or do you buy it at a drugstore? Here it's prohibitively expensive to use in large...
  9. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Also, in Canada, they haven't been prohibited. Yet. I'm sure it's coming. I have some on hand "JUST" in I'm a believer in survival-of-the-fittest genetics. The rare occasion has reared its head like my egg/chick who got pecked and had its yolk sac and abdomen perforated and...
  10. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    Adding: Medical tape Non slip matting Wound spray with fly repellant Chewable vitamin C Enclosed carrier/carriers of different sizes. A couple of cardboard boxes (because you just never know when you might need one)
  11. Wickedchicken6

    Topic of the Week - Emergency/First Aid Preparedness

    On top of the majority of what everyone has listed, I've got: Hibitane Crème ointment Mastitus ointment Red cote Baby oil Chap stick Dog nail clippers Assortment of water soluble vitamins All types of syringes Variety of needles Gauze Non-stick surgical pads Livestock marking paint (All...
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