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  1. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    I find Mille Fleur D'uccles to be the most beautiful chickens but unfortunately haven't found anyone near us (Southern MS) that breeds quality ones. For now I'll continue to look hopefully at the 24 Hour Auction thread!
  2. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    They are beautiful! When we want more silkies I will have to look them up. Where did you get the Mille Fleur from? They are beautiful but the only ones I can find come from eggs on eBay.
  3. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    We have one white and one black and we believe both are females! This is Jamal :)
  4. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    It's very simple to maintain and cheap to get started!
  5. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    I unfortunately have very independent silkies who only come for the bribes of mealworms. But their little personalities are adorable to watch around the yard!
  6. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    I love my silkies :love Where do you get eggs from?
  7. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    We ended up with 15 marans, 8 D'anvers, 9 frizzles, and 9 Sebrights!
  8. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    41 eggs went into the incubator last night! My husband sheepishly came up to me and asked if it was weird that when he woke up he immediately went to check to see if there were any chicks yet :lau. We are just a little bit excited for them! :celebrate
  9. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    It's a dark rabbit hole... When I first discovered how the frizzle gene worked in breeding chickens I spent hours researching! Haha
  10. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    I'm very excited about them!! From all that I've read they only require special care if they are double frizzled which these do not seem to be.
  11. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    We are getting 12 marans from the beautiful birds of Laurel Meadows, 6 black D'anvers from Gamebirdsonly, and the think we may have just won the auction for some frizzles! :wee
  12. WynnFamilyFarms

    Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

    Our first hatching eggs are arriving on Thursday. I've been obsessively reading these threads to prepare and am so excited! They are shipped eggs and my motto going into this is the same as yours, JRNash. I know the risks of shipped eggs and am just hoping that one hatches!
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