Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

You know I've talked about the pitfalls of shipped eggs before. There are so many things that can go wrong at any point in the process. The thing is, I accept the risk. I've always said If I get one egg to hatch I consider it a successful venture. It can be disappointing at times,but all in all I'm happy.:)
Our first hatching eggs are arriving on Thursday. I've been obsessively reading these threads to prepare and am so excited! They are shipped eggs and my motto going into this is the same as yours, JRNash. I know the risks of shipped eggs and am just hoping that one hatches!
Our first hatching eggs are arriving on Thursday. I've been obsessively reading these threads to prepare and am so excited! They are shipped eggs and my motto going into this is the same as yours, JRNash. I know the risks of shipped eggs and am just hoping that one hatches!
How exciting!! What breed are you hatching?

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