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  1. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Yes, Cackle, and i would not hesitate to get stock from them, again, and may do so, if/when egg production becomes a main concern. Those gals can put out the eggs! They are nice birds, just would need a few more generations of work to get to where the show stock is. Of course, i only started...
  2. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    I would say that they have a good natural instinct to protect the flock. When young, ours would just RESPOND...instinctively. But as they started to reach the age where they were mounting the pullets, they seemed to have overcome those instincts. We never held and hugged our birds, but did...
  3. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    I should write these things down. My cockerels are about 21 weeks old. They've been crowing for a couple of weeks, at least. Culled before vacation (@17th of July, some were crowing, some were not. Had one that still had pink undeveloped comb on the it can vary.
  4. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    We only HAD six to choose from. Culled the others, already, before we went on vacation. This is it. I'm just hoping that Max doesn't end up with a Buttercup topper. For those of you who are on the facebook site, i have started an album. Anyway, i don't totally regret the hatchery...
  5. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Tank, just a sprig for a tail, so many faults right now that i won't even get into it. Hopefully, he'll stop growing and start filling in a tail. Maybe even lighten up his beak with time...
  6. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

  7. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Mad Max, 21 weeks. Best of six cockerels, very bad comb, tho. He carries his wing down and tail high when i'm in there stirring up the hens. He's also second in command, so is always watchful for the boss. The boss is called tank, because of his grace, is way too big, but the hens love him...
  8. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Yah, when honey saw the badger, he was right out there with rifle, but the critter was nowhere to be seen, by the time that he got out there. Fresh badger hole with tracks and scat just on the other side of the fence. I'm watching chicken run and coop pretty well, but cannot watch all the...
  9. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    The Dom flock here is now over fifteen weeks old. The dominant cockerels are my best buddies of the bunch, the pullets seem to hang back a bit. I dont handle them much now, they'd just as soon not be picked up. But, the boys are most always walking with me in the run, looking for goodies...
  10. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Hard to tell (for me) which will continue to grow their spikes in, but if that is what i'm selecting for, i don't think that it will be a problem with this line. I'll try to keep track of percentage, tho, as time goes on. As far as the hens having U shape backs, it will take some more...
  11. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Okay, that didn't work out just as i had planned. I was going to do commentary, but won't. Last was supposed to be first, okay, now i know. Photos taken last week, they are about ten, maybe ten and a half weeks old in the photos.
  12. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Okay, i took some pics with my phone after forcing my young dominiques out of the coop into twenty mile an hour winds and cold, but hey, the sun was shining. Most of the pics were of them sort of hunkered down, or showing all sorts of bad molt views. Only about six birds out of twenty have...
  13. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Alaskan, i agree that keeping records can be very useful. Only when i was experimenting with breeding tropical fish(mollies!that was fun!) have i dealt with the extreme progeny-number potential. I didn't even try with the mollies, but am amazed at some of the recording methods used by chicken...
  14. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Actually, if one gets a batch of chicks from a small breeder (one roo) then there might be a higher incidence/percentage of relatedness than from a hatchery that has many cocks and hens. Also, eggs from the hatchery were likely collected on the same day, making each egg from a different hen. I...
  15. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    I'm enjoying my Cackle birds. They're about 8 weeks old, now. I did get a nice ratio of pullets to cockerels (13 to 6) than i expected from a straight run order. They also may be from better stock than i originally thought...being a newbie, i am no judge of how they would compare to any other...
  16. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    My kids are grown and gone. But, occasionally, other's little kids come by. OMG, if our baby pullets end up producing eggs like that, we'll have WAY too many eggs. I figured that they would slow down for the winter, or even stop (and they might where we are located) and that we could freeze the...
  17. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    We're not much into 'pet' chickens, here, but it is good to read that Dominiques are good with the kids. ...and that they are good eggers!
  18. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    Sylvester, are those your new hatchery chicks? They grow so fast. Did you order straight run?
  19. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    1 month old,taken after a cold night in their final home,i hope. They must think that they are gypsy chicks,by this time. It is fun to watch their tails grow in. Not the best photo, but was busy scavenging freebies for the coop, yesterday. Also putting in the corner posts for the run...
  20. Zone3Dakota

    Dominique Thread!

    very difficult to get good pics with my phone,if they are moving...which is always. one of the littles in uphill on the right and is still shorter than the bigger chicks. Some of the pullets have almost no black in the beak. Still pics from last week. Oh, and i wind up editing when...
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