Dominique Thread!

I do have tea out there as well and I hope I haven't given the impression that she drinks the coffee too...she did, just the once. She just likes to watch me drink mine and chat to me while I do.

Are they typically a chattier breed? She's my tattle-tail reminding me of my children when one has something that belongs to the other. She rushes to the door screeching and squawking and waits there until I go outside, making sure I follow her when she's laid an egg and someone else has gotten into the preferred by all nesting box and is sitting on it. If I don't follow her, she will come back to me, making some of the most dreadful noises until I do. She does not like anyone else sitting on her eggs. The moment I've collected it, she quiets and then goes about her business. It's very amusing.
The Dom flock here is now over fifteen weeks old. The dominant cockerels are my best buddies of the bunch, the pullets seem to hang back a bit. I dont handle them much now, they'd just as soon not be picked up. But, the boys are most always walking with me in the run, looking for goodies. They really love their kale treat in the morning, i pick some from the garden and feed the birds this through the fence. One of the cockerels has a real good crow going on, pleasant and not too loud. They all do seem to talk to each other and me a lot. We like them more than i thought that we would!

Badger spotted sniffing the air, just the other side of our barb-wire fence...wish that the coop and run were more secure...
The Dom flock here is now over fifteen weeks old.  The dominant cockerels are my best buddies of the bunch, the pullets seem to hang back a bit.  I dont handle them much now, they'd just as soon not be picked up.  But, the boys are most always walking with me in the run, looking for goodies.  They really love their kale treat in the morning, i pick some from the garden and feed the birds this through the fence. One of the cockerels has a real good crow going on, pleasant and not too loud. They all do seem to talk to each other and me a lot.  We like them more than i thought that we would!

Badger spotted sniffing the air, just the other side of our barb-wire fence...wish that the coop and run were more secure...

Oh dear badgers are no good you just raised my pulse 17points,really they are called Badgers because of how irrating&aggressive they are,your rooster will alert you even at night(ours did for a filthy coon) as soon as he hollars I pray you are a light sleeper&trusty aim because you might only get one shot.
It was late fall...a cool very clear night. No stars very black out.
The racoon we encountered was IN our secure coop ON the actual roost bar WITH a prize hens tail feathers in his clutches! NOT joking I do NOT tell lies...hubby shinned flash light&the vermin actually covered his reflective eyes with his arm! NOT joking! I was speechless(if you follow me uh,you know by now it takes an awful shock for ME to be speechless lol). This coon obviously knew EXACTLY what he was doing so had NO choice (both those hens won best in show plus they where new momas!) Hubby had to save the hens. We tanned&repurposed the carcus. All the flock was safe because of big papa's midnight call to us. Whew it brings tears to my eyes how thankful I was the flock was safe..(that was before our GLL's nothing gets past the GLL's). Anyhow get a trap set for that badger. Some critters don't kill for hunger they mutilate a flock just to chew heads off&the poor hens bleed out. Please keep me updated on this badger. I'm looking at your state regulations&don't think anyone should fuss at you for taking out a danger to your chicken investment.
Good LUCK!
@dakota just sent u a link for your state govt wildlife&game. Hope that helps. I'd put to eggs(no cracked open inside a trap) that should catch the badger for you!
(my granpa was a very respected trapper&tracker way up north) wish I could show you some of his amazing tools&trade(but shh that's his secret).
Again keep us posted on details!
@dakota your state prices on hides aren't bad too b.t.w.
(shrug) just saying.
1 badger hide=a safe good flock& lots of dom eggs,chicks etc.
I am NOT promoting FURS so please no hateful comments,humans can't live off badger meat,we can survive off eggs& chickens!
Yah, when honey saw the badger, he was right out there with rifle, but the critter was nowhere to be seen, by the time that he got out there. Fresh badger hole with tracks and scat just on the other side of the fence. I'm watching chicken run and coop pretty well, but cannot watch all the time. I need to get my pistol handy, as i cannot hit a thing with rifles(dominant hand not on dominant eye side, can't use scopes, odd physical problem) We're sort of freaked and wish that we had more fence RIGHT NOW, instead of tomorrow.

Will be dumping cat litter boxes near coop and run.
Yah, when honey saw the badger, he was right out there with rifle, but the critter was nowhere to be seen, by the time that he got out there. Fresh badger hole with tracks and scat just on the other side of the fence. I'm watching chicken run and coop pretty well, but cannot watch all the time. I need to get my pistol handy, as i cannot hit a thing with rifles(dominant hand not on dominant eye side, can't use scopes, odd physical problem) We're sort of freaked and wish that we had more fence RIGHT NOW, instead of tomorrow.

Will be dumping cat litter boxes near coop and run.
Get a good dog. Badgers are tough but a good dog can handle them.
Awah agreeded...I have lots of "good" dogs now too. A good dog is like a diamond in the ruff! I always say.

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