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  1. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: The goverment tends to mess up everything it puts its hands into. Sorry, that is true. I read somewhere that the poverty rate has remained the same since the sixties. Weren't we fighting a battle with poverty at one point? The one thing that I could see that the goverment could do was...
  2. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: Here's the thing... having faith doesn't mean you have faith nothing will happen to you and then expect it won't. Having faith means you trust God is in control, no matter what happens! If you care to read the Bible, God's people, faithful or no, always had to overcome one tribulation...
  3. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: What would you want them to do for you if you were one of the homeless? That is a good question. I would want someone to help me be able to help myself. Charity is nice but providing someone with the means to support their own selves is the best way to preserve their dignity.
  4. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: It depends. Remember children have been pulled out of their bedroom windows and raped before. Elizabeth Smart went missing out of her own home. Although stranger abduction is statistically rare, it is still common enough that it would frighten me if a stranger wouldn't leave my...
  5. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: Giving boundaries also respects their humanity and dignity.
  6. deb1

    A situation at church...

    You are correct, inviting the homeless inside of the church is a good place to start. I would also make certain that the congregation didn't shun them once they were inside the church either. One a different forum some member of my denomination were talking about the homeless that entered...
  7. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: I've been on food stamps. Thankfully, we were able to get off of public assistance fairly quickly.
  8. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Someone asked how would you feel if it was your own child. If it was my son that was homeless, I certainly would be grateful for anyone that provided him food or a safe place to sleep and shower. If he was an alcoholic or drug addict, I don't think that I would want people to just give him...
  9. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: (Matthew 25) sometimes I think people in churches are too safe and secure in their little world to remember to care for those who aren't like them. i have read the entire discussion and i agree with this post! it is very similar to some quotes from the Quaran! "Those needy ones who...
  10. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: I think that most people on this thread are in agreement as to the fact that helping these people is a good thing to do. I am curious. You have not said in what manner you would help the homeless if you were a member of this church. What are your practical ideas for the OP?
  11. deb1

    A situation at church...

    I also was going to post that it didn't seem that showing love and concern to the homeless was the issue, but how best to do it...Another thought I had while reading all of this.....Jesus went to the cross, suffered and died for a bunch of "dirty, homeless" people....all of us. Very true.
  12. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: Well said but you may also win some of them to the church.I have a pot holder with this AWFUL looking woman on it which says, Be kind to everyone you meet, it could be an angel. marrie I would like a pot holder with this on it.
  13. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: I agree with most of what you wrote but this. If you KNOW(notice that I emphasised the word Know) that a person is scamming others or is going to use the money to hurt themselves then it would be nonloving to give them money. Not everyone who is discerning with their help is doing it...
  14. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: I don't get what you mean by sins of ommisions boaz. I think that if God blesses one with riches then that person is responsible for helping others. Yes, I believe in compassion. The problem is that we have to be certain that our compassion helps and doesn't do more pain then good. If...
  15. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: Yes, and Jesus was not exactly gentle with the money users who were disrespecting his father's temple. A portapotty is a good idea. Maybe more then one. By all means help these people. But don't allow them to respect the church by using the bathroom on its steps.
  16. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: that is an amazing story!
  17. deb1

    A situation at church...

    Quote: I agree with you but we need to make certain that our kindness does not do more harm then good. It is not Christlike or kind to enable people to hurt themselves. Some-not all-of the homeless really need tough help to get out of a certain mindset. No sane person would consider it...
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