A situation at church...

(Matthew 25)

sometimes I think people in churches are too safe and secure in their little world to remember to care for those who aren't like them.

i have read the entire discussion and i agree with this post!

it is very similar to some quotes from the Quaran!

"Those needy ones who are wholly wrapped up in the cause of Allah, and who are hindered from moving about the earth in search of their livelihood especially deserve help. He who is unaware of their circumstances supposes them to be wealthy because of their dignified bearing, but you will know them by their countenance, although they do not go about begging of people with importunity. And whatever wealth you will spend on helping them, Allah will know of it. (2:273)"

Very interesting.
I know that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all three emphasis helping the needy and poor.
Someone asked how would you feel if it was your own child.

If it was my son that was homeless, I certainly would be grateful for anyone that provided him food or a safe place to sleep and shower. If he was an alcoholic or drug addict, I don't think that I would want people to just give him money because he would use that to hurt himself.

A church that helped him perserve his dignity, got him in contact with the services that would help him eventually help himself, fed him and maybe helped him get a job would make me overjoyed.

It would be nice if they encouraged him to call me also. I can only imagine what parents go through who have a child suffering from severe mental illness.

Islam teaches that Jesus was a Prophet!

All three religions are very much the same!

This is a topic for another thread however!
I've been on food stamps. Thankfully, we were able to get off of public assistance fairly quickly.
I think that most people on this thread are in agreement as to the fact that helping these people is a good thing to do.

I am curious. You have not said in what manner you would help the homeless if you were a member of this church. What are your practical ideas for the OP?

The practical ideas were set forth in my first post, embrace them as you would the well heeled. "Would y'all like to come inside" is a starter. There is no one size fits all solution, some need housing, some need a friend, some need medical, psychiatric attention, of course food and all need the love of Jesus, the only means they have of experiencing that love is through the people on the other side of the door.

One of our dogs, Lucy, was a rescue, she was pretty much starved when we got her. She is always the first to want to be fed and can't ever seem to get enough food or attention. In human terms, she would be considered selfish and ruthless. Are there some users awaiting these good Samaritans, yes. It is easy to become jaded when lied to repeatedly and there is the debate, do I forgive those that wrong me if they don't ask for forgiveness. I believe the answer to be yes.

We exist in a real world of finite resources. I attended a megachurch a few years ago, a budget in the millions; $250 per year was earmarked for vagrants that might knock on the front door. The rationale was that we don't want "them" coming around here. It is a rock, scissors, paper environment once the decision to include "them" in the church. People trump church steps, love trumps inconvenience, the Holy Spirit will provide a means. Use the resources in a manner that counts the most has been my message, use what you have.

For those still reading, of course I want "them" to be sanitary but don't sweat the small stuff, there is plenty of big stuff involved in this one.
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You are correct, inviting the homeless inside of the church is a good place to start. I would also make certain that the congregation didn't shun them once they were inside the church either.

One a different forum some member of my denomination were talking about the homeless that entered their particular church. Some Catholics hold hands during the Our Father. These particular posters were expressing disgust because they might have to touch the hand of a homeless person. That made me feel sad.
Making certain that you treat the other person with respect is also a good place to start.
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Basically, people-adults and children-need boundaries. THey may so no to the idea, but subconciously we all desire rules and boundaries because those are what make us functional members of society. Be sure to give them bondaries and stick to your boundaries no matter what. THey arent bad people but they know how to manipulate to get thru your boundaries. Give them the esteem of having to earn their keep. they will prolly complain about it in the beginning but it will greatly benefit them in the end.
Giving boundaries also respects their humanity and dignity.
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I didn't read all 10 pages so forgive me if this is off base & I'm not trying to highjack the post either.
Anyway, because we live in a small town our church does not have the homeless issue. We have however had a transvestite come to our church. He came for several months but then left. I'm not sure of they reason why. After our sermon, we "Pass The Peace" and everyone walks around shaking hands and saying Peace be w/ you or something to that effect. I was pleased that he was not shunned even by our older members who are very conservative. Also, I am right now in the middle of a family problem. My cousin who lived out of state w/ her mother from the time she was 2 came back to live near us a few years ago. (She's now 28). She is bi-polar and started abusing her meds when her marriage started falling apart. I talked her into coming to church w/ me. She was welcomed in and although that made her feel good, it was too late because she was too far gone. We have now placed her in a Mental Health Unit that is also dealing with her drug addiction. Okay so that's the background. Anyway when I originally called the Mental Health Organization in our community, they told me to drop her off at a Homeless Shelter that they couldn't help her unless she was a threat to herself or others. Not eating and drug addiction is not considered life threatening. This just floored me. How do they think that would help her? I don't understand our world at all.
Anyway, I like several of the ideas that were suggested, such as offering rewards of a hot meal if they keep the church area clean. Instead of sending money/items to faceless people across the globe, start in your own backyard. There are always people who need your help in many different ways.

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