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  1. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Let us know what hatches~~!! A Titleist chicken...(hardy scottish breed)?
  2. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Hi over there! I see that you have posted this in at least two placed that I read... I see your dilemma with the large BO and small hatchlings. Did you actually see the first one so that you know it didn't have a problem already? My broody kicked a chick out of the nest as it was...
  3. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: It seems that mostly people post that that works pretty well. Was going to try this time, but couldn't get the day-old chicks to add in with the ones mama just hatched today. oh well. Here's one of my new cuties:
  4. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    woolychicken: good luck! I am using the dog kennel attached to a 1. cupboard and 2. small dog house with a roof that opens. Love how it gives mama some privacy, but lets the other birds get used to the chicks for a bit before Mama brings them out. I keep them in about two weeks...
  5. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: So far I've had good luck with my cochin mamas. They growl a bit, but aren't worried about me handling the babies and haven't pecked. But those other hens better watch out! Careful when you pick her up--do it slowly and from behind sort of reaching under her wings to shake out any...
  6. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mine, too! First to pop his/her head out from under mama just now! But I wouldn't dare put my fingers that close to mama's beak!
  7. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GReat Photo! And I thought having two broody Cohchns was enough...I guess to keep going I'll have to get three like you have! Due to hatch Friday--Blue Splash Marans! Seven eggs survived the three weeks, so my fingers are crossed...
  8. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My good mama Cochin with a few of her baby BCM's playing hide and seek
  9. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Go Sargent! Go Chip! Good girls! I wanna hear how the acceptance/non-acceptance goes. Putting the 'bator chick under Chip at night???
  10. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Ditto. That is why I put mine in a separate space, locked in to the dog crate with food and water for a few days...just until I was sure she was going to always head back to the eggs if I let her out. I'm away, so my son checked the "new" broody with the 10 Splash Marans eggs, and he...
  11. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I made sure my broody was set on the eggs, then moved her to her new broody coop at dusk on about day 3... Seemed to work well. I waited until the chicks were 7 days, then let mama/chicks out into my run (20x15 ft) while I was there in the run. MRS. kept the other hens clear, and babies...
  12. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: dldolan - that is a cute momma photo. I am new to chickens, but that is a lovely bird. What kind is she? She is a Blue Cochin. Very nice and lets me be "auntie" and is OK with me picking up the chicks, although while on the nest she was somewhat more aggressive with me, growling...
  13. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: The only thing I had to do was move mama off the nest every couple of days to eat and drink! Took her a few times of my moving her, then she'd get off when I came out to the broody condo for 3-4 minutes to goggle up food, drink and poop. They get so focused! Here is mama with the...
  14. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on all the new babes! We want pics! I think it is so groovy to get up in the morning and see mama hen doing her thing. Me: Broody-mama Cochin#1 has the FAB Four BCM chicks that are 10 days old today! Broody Cochin #2 has 6 Splash Marans eggs coming for her Thursday! More babies...
  15. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: I swear, you get one, and then it's a plague...!
  16. dldolan

    Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Broody? Did someone say Broody? Broody=Cochin at my Finca. ARGH. Gave up when Alaska did this: And gave her some BCM eggs, so now have these: And sister Juneau heard the peeeping, so now have another broody Cochin! 4x in two months between the two of them. I love them, but they are...
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