Lets talk about our current broodies :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too cute! obviously got some information a bit jumbled, but still cute!

That's wonderful. Obviously she has a lot of interest in the subject. And I bet she'll enjoy learning more, and will be laughing at her own errors next year!
Let us know what hatches~~!! A Titleist chicken...(hardy scottish breed)?
Okay, not sure if it is my BG hen or one of the Black Australorps.... but this hen has been hoarding eggs for the past week! I removed two of the eggs from under her, and put two that have pipped and are peeping under her. after a minute or two, they started peeping under her, she cocked her head to the side, heard & talked back to them, and hunkered down on them!!!
I may go out and make another switch or two or three or four!!!!!
Come on broody hen!!!
Too, too cute!!!

Candled the eggs under my bantam cochin last night (I think she's been sitting a week) and all clears. I didn't think I'd seen more than one or two fertile eggs while making breakfast so I wasn't surprised. We want to get some eggs from a friend who has mille fleur booted bantams who have emigrated into their yard and lay eggs all over the place. Anyone know if she will stay to the end if we add new eggs now?
We want to get some eggs from a friend who has mille fleur booted bantams who have emigrated into their yard and lay eggs all over the place. Anyone know if she will stay to the end if we add new eggs now?

In my experience, broodies are driven by the eggs and not the calendar. I don't think my chickens have any idea that the gestation period is 21 days. I also do not subscribe to the therory that prolonged setting is bad for the hen. mine eat and drink every day except for hatch day. If it goes long, they may not get off the nest until the majority have hatch. The picture above is an example of this. She hatched three on Super Bowl Sunday, six yesterday and there are five left, four have pipped. This one is a dedicated mommy!​
Well, as of two days ago I have left eggs in one nest. I have one hen that sleeps in a nest box. They are in her box for everyone lays in it at one time or another. I removed the wood eggs and put the extra eggs found in other nest boxes in hers when I locked up coop for night. I think it was 5 total. So now we wait to see if one will go broody after they get enough eggs. magic number is over 10 for my gals.

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